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Dax and them are not selling tables nor subscriptions for tables.  
you subscription is for hep paying for the server that is atleast 100$ a month year round if he got a deal. 
it helps him host.   I have a server and have over 2000$ into just my site popperportal add on/site.  
anyway trust me they are not getting rich off this and not making money selling you tables.  As they are all free to download and you don’t need a script.  But there are many other things in this that are worth it. Like the non invasive social media he built for you?    I for one do not support piracy nor selling tables as I’ve put in my 1000 plus hours here too.  But I’ll say his subscription is just and we appreciate him doing all this.  Again it took me almost 2 years to build popperportal. And it’s a quarter the monster this beautiful site is!    So relax bro. If you need help navigating ask someone. 

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