jarr3 Posted June 4, 2021 Posted June 4, 2021 Hi, I know, the most flexiable way to get your toys going is to use the DOF Config tool here on VPUniverse. BUT... I have two very custom Beacon lights which I built from addressable LED's and for these there is no configuration which fit, so that is the reason I wanted to try to make the local configuration instead. So what have I tried? This is my config, you see that they point to each other. Below I have the resulting log from when starting Getaway, The - High Speed II (1992) in VPX I have tried both setting the AddLedControlConfig flag to true and false. Currently it is on false, so that ONLY the local config is active. This is my first try in making a DOF Config tool completely in XML. So for my Beacons it would be: S27 Blue AT0 AH100 AL0 AW50 ASDR ASS200 BLINK 490 BPW15 F100/S27 Red AT0 AH100 AL50 AW100 ASDL ASS200 BLINK 490 BPW15 F100 splitting the addressable leds into two parts (50% + 50%). It works with the ini file config from the DOF Config tool, but with this local config, it stays completely dark. If anyone has an example config, it would make me happy /Jarr3 GlobalConfig_B2SServer.xml: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <GlobalConfig> <LedWizDefaultMinCommandIntervalMs>1</LedWizDefaultMinCommandIntervalMs> <LedControlMinimumEffectDurationMs>60</LedControlMinimumEffectDurationMs> <LedControlMinimumRGBEffectDurationMs>120</LedControlMinimumRGBEffectDurationMs> <PacLedDefaultMinCommandIntervalMs>10</PacLedDefaultMinCommandIntervalMs> <IniFilesPath /> <CabinetConfigFilePattern>{GlobalConfigDir}\Cabinet.xml</CabinetConfigFilePattern> <TableConfigFilePatterns> <FilePattern>{GlobalConfigDir}\TableConfig-{TableName}.xml</FilePattern> </TableConfigFilePatterns> <EnableLogging>true</EnableLogging> <ClearLogOnSessionStart>true</ClearLogOnSessionStart> <LogFilePattern>{DllDir}\DirectOutput.log</LogFilePattern> </GlobalConfig> Cabinet.xml: <?xml version="1.0"?> <Cabinet xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"> <Name>Pinball Wizard</Name> <OutputControllers> <TeensyStripController> <Name>LedStripController</Name> <NumberOfLedsStrip1>8</NumberOfLedsStrip1> <NumberOfLedsStrip2>0</NumberOfLedsStrip2> <NumberOfLedsStrip3>0</NumberOfLedsStrip3> <NumberOfLedsStrip4>0</NumberOfLedsStrip4> <NumberOfLedsStrip5>0</NumberOfLedsStrip5> <NumberOfLedsStrip6>0</NumberOfLedsStrip6> <NumberOfLedsStrip7>0</NumberOfLedsStrip7> <NumberOfLedsStrip8>0</NumberOfLedsStrip8> <ComPortName>COM3</ComPortName> <ComPortTimeOutMs>200</ComPortTimeOutMs> </TeensyStripController> </OutputControllers> <Toys> <LedStrip> <Name>Beacons</Name> <Width>8</Width> <Height>1</Height> <LedStripArrangement>LeftRightTopDown</LedStripArrangement> <ColorOrder>GRB</ColorOrder> <FirstLedNumber>43</FirstLedNumber> <FadingCurveName>SwissLizardsLedCurve</FadingCurveName> <OutputControllerName>LedStripController</OutputControllerName> </LedStrip> </Toys> </Cabinet> TableConfig-Getaway, The - High Speed II (1992).xml: <?xml version="1.0"?> <Table xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"> <TableName>Getaway, The - High Speed II (1992)</TableName> <TableElement> <TableElementType>Solenoid</TableElementType> <Number>27</Number> <!-- <Name>Right slingshot</Name> --> <AssignedEffects> <AssignedEffect> <EffectName>Left Beacon circle red</EffectName> </AssignedEffect> <AssignedEffect> <EffectName>Right Beacon circle red</EffectName> </AssignedEffect> </AssignedEffects> </TableElement> <Effects> <RGBAMatrixShiftEffect> <!-- S27 Blue AT0 AH100 AL0 AW50 ASDR ASS200 BLINK 490 BPW15 F100/S27 Red AT0 AH100 AL50 AW100 ASDL ASS200 BLINK 490 BPW15 F100 --> <Name>Left Beacon circle red</Name> <ToyName>Beacons</ToyName> <Width>50</Width> <Height>100</Height> <Left>51</Left> <Top>0</Top> <LayerNr>0</LayerNr> <FadeMode>Fade</FadeMode> <!-- AFFADE10 --> <ShiftDirection>Right</ShiftDirection> <!-- ASDR --> <ShiftSpeed>200</ShiftSpeed> <!-- ASS200 --> <ShiftAcceleration>0</ShiftAcceleration> <!-- ASA0 --> <ActiveColor> <HexColor>#ff0000</HexColor> </ActiveColor> <InactiveColor> <HexColor>#000000</HexColor> </InactiveColor> </RGBAMatrixShiftEffect> <RGBAMatrixShiftEffect> <Name>Right Beacon circle red</Name> <ToyName>Beacons</ToyName> <Width>50</Width> <Height>100</Height> <Left>0</Left> <Top>0</Top> <LayerNr>0</LayerNr> <FadeMode>Fade</FadeMode> <ShiftDirection>Right</ShiftDirection> <ShiftSpeed>200</ShiftSpeed> <ShiftAcceleration>0</ShiftAcceleration> <ActiveColor> <HexColor>#ffff00</HexColor> </ActiveColor> <InactiveColor> <HexColor>#000000</HexColor> </InactiveColor> </RGBAMatrixShiftEffect> </Effects> <AssignedStaticEffects> </AssignedStaticEffects> <AddLedControlConfig>false</AddLedControlConfig> </Table> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DirectOutput Version 3.1.7776.42172, built 2021.04.16 23:25 MJR Grander Unified DOF R3++ edition feat. Djrobx, Rambo3, and Freezy DOF created by SwissLizard | https://github.com/mjrgh/DirectOutput 2021.06.04 17:49:09.712 DirectOutput Logger initialized 2021.06.04 17:49:09.692 Global config filename is "C:\DIRECTOUTPUT\config\GlobalConfig_B2SServer.xml" 2021.06.04 17:49:09.712 Global config loaded from: C:\DIRECTOUTPUT\config\GlobalConfig_B2SServer.xml 2021.06.04 17:49:09.712 Loading Pinball parts 2021.06.04 17:49:09.712 Loading cabinet 2021.06.04 17:49:09.713 Will load cabinet config file: C:\DIRECTOUTPUT\config\Cabinet.xml 2021.06.04 17:49:09.784 1 output controller defnitions and 8 toy definitions loaded from cabinet config. 2021.06.04 17:49:09.784 Cabinet config file has AutoConfig feature enabled. Calling AutoConfig. 2021.06.04 17:49:09.785 Cabinet auto configuration started 2021.06.04 17:49:09.817 Detected and added Pinscape Controller Nr. 1 with name Pinscape Controller 01 2021.06.04 17:49:09.817 Added LedwizEquivalent Nr. 51 with name Pinscape Controller 01 Equivalent for Pinscape Controller Nr. 1, 22 2021.06.04 17:49:09.822 PhilipsHueAutoConfigurator.AutoConfig started...note, actual connection detection will happen asynchronously, and device disabled if not succesfull (check further down in the log) 2021.06.04 17:49:09.832 LedWiz-like device at VID=1133, PID=50475, product string=USB Receiver, manufacturer string=Logitech 2021.06.04 17:49:09.834 LedWiz-like device at VID=1133, PID=50475, product string=USB Receiver, manufacturer string=Logitech 2021.06.04 17:49:09.835 LedWiz-like device at VID=1133, PID=50475, product string=USB Receiver, manufacturer string=Logitech 2021.06.04 17:49:09.836 LedWiz-like device at VID=64250, PID=240, product string=Pinscape Controller, manufacturer string=mjrnet 2021.06.04 17:49:09.836 HID caps: usage page=1, usage=4, number of link collection nodes=1, output report byte length=9 2021.06.04 17:49:09.838 LedWiz-like device at VID=1133, PID=50475, product string=USB Receiver, manufacturer string=Logitech 2021.06.04 17:49:09.839 LedWiz-like device at VID=1133, PID=50475, product string=USB Receiver, manufacturer string=Logitech 2021.06.04 17:49:09.841 LedWiz-like device at VID=1133, PID=50475, product string=USB Receiver, manufacturer string=Logitech 2021.06.04 17:49:09.841 LedWiz-like device at VID=64250, PID=240, product string=Pinscape Controller, manufacturer string=mjrnet 2021.06.04 17:49:09.841 HID caps: usage page=12, usage=1, number of link collection nodes=1, output report byte length=0 2021.06.04 17:49:09.844 Opening 32-bit LedWiz driver... 2021.06.04 17:49:09.844 Detected and added LedWiz Nr. 1 with name LedWiz 01 2021.06.04 17:49:09.845 Added LedwizEquivalent Nr. 1 with name LedWiz 01 Equivalent for Ledwiz Nr. 1 2021.06.04 17:49:09.847 Cabinet auto configuration finished 2021.06.04 17:49:09.847 Autoconfig complete. 2021.06.04 17:49:09.847 Cabinet config loaded successfully from C:\DIRECTOUTPUT\config\Cabinet.xml 2021.06.04 17:49:09.847 Cabinet loaded 2021.06.04 17:49:09.847 Loading table config 2021.06.04 17:49:09.848 Will load table config from C:\DIRECTOUTPUT\config\TableConfig-Getaway, The - High Speed II (1992).xml 2021.06.04 17:49:09.878 Table config loaded successfully from C:\DIRECTOUTPUT\config\TableConfig-Getaway, The - High Speed II (1992).xml 2021.06.04 17:49:09.878 Table config loading finished: romname=gw_l5, tablename=Getaway, The - High Speed II (1992) 2021.06.04 17:49:09.879 Pinball parts loaded 2021.06.04 17:49:09.880 Starting processes 2021.06.04 17:49:09.880 Initializing cabinet 2021.06.04 17:49:09.880 Debug: Initializing output controllers 2021.06.04 17:49:09.882 TeensyStripController LedStripController intialized and updater thread started. 2021.06.04 17:49:09.883 Pinscape Pinscape Controller 01 intialized and updater thread started. 2021.06.04 17:49:09.883 Debug: Initializing LedWiz Nr. 01 2021.06.04 17:49:09.884 TeensyStripController LedStripController updater thread started. 2021.06.04 17:49:09.884 Pinscape Pinscape Controller 01 updater thread started. 2021.06.04 17:49:09.884 Pinscape Pinscape Controller 01 updater thread has connected to Pinscape Pinscape Controller 01. 2021.06.04 17:49:09.885 LedWiz Nr. 01 initialized and updater thread initialized. 2021.06.04 17:49:09.885 Debug: Output controllers initialized 2021.06.04 17:49:09.885 Updater thread for LedWiz 01 started. 2021.06.04 17:49:09.886 Initializing ComPort COM3 with these settings : 2021.06.04 17:49:09.886 BaudRate 9600, Parity None, DataBits 8, StopBits One, R/W Timeouts 200ms 2021.06.04 17:49:09.886 Handshake Timings : Open 50ms, Loop Start/End 20/50ms, DTR enable False 2021.06.04 17:49:09.889 Cabinet initialized 2021.06.04 17:49:09.894 Loading shape definition file: C:\DIRECTOUTPUT\config\DirectOutputShapes.xml 2021.06.04 17:49:09.927 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixShiftEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:51, T:0, W:50, H:100), Matrix(W:1, H:8), ResultArea(Left: 4, Top:0, Right:7, Bottom:0, Width:4, Height:1) 2021.06.04 17:49:09.928 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixShiftEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:50, H:100), Matrix(W:1, H:8), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:4, Bottom:0, Width:5, Height:1) 2021.06.04 17:49:09.935 Framework initialized. 2021.06.04 17:49:09.935 Have fun! :) 2021.06.04 17:49:09.984 TeensyStripController LedStripController updater thread has connected to TeensyStripController LedStripController. 2021.06.04 17:49:15.499 Finishing framework 2021.06.04 17:49:15.501 Finishing cabinet 2021.06.04 17:49:15.501 Debug: Finishing output controllers 2021.06.04 17:49:15.548 TeensyStripController LedStripController updater thread has disconnected from TeensyStripController LedStripController and will terminate. 2021.06.04 17:49:15.548 TeensyStripController LedStripController finished and updater thread stopped. 2021.06.04 17:49:15.550 Pinscape Pinscape Controller 01 updater thread has disconnected from Pinscape Pinscape Controller 01 and will terminate. 2021.06.04 17:49:15.550 Pinscape Pinscape Controller 01 finished and updater thread stopped. 2021.06.04 17:49:15.550 Debug: Finishing LedWiz Nr. 01 2021.06.04 17:49:15.551 Updater thread for LedWiz 01 terminated. 2021.06.04 17:49:15.554 LedWiz Nr. 01 finished and updater thread stopped. 2021.06.04 17:49:15.554 Debug: Output controllers finished 2021.06.04 17:49:15.554 Cabinet finished 2021.06.04 17:49:15.554 DirectOutput framework finished. 2021.06.04 17:49:15.554 Bye and thanks for using! So we see here it managed to load the table config file 2021.06.04 17:49:09.847 Loading table config 2021.06.04 17:49:09.848 Will load table config from C:\DIRECTOUTPUT\config\TableConfig-Getaway, The - High Speed II (1992).xml 2021.06.04 17:49:09.878 Table config loaded successfully from C:\DIRECTOUTPUT\config\TableConfig-Getaway, The - High Speed II (1992).xml 2021.06.04 17:49:09.878 Table config loading finished: romname=gw_l5, tablename=Getaway, The - High Speed II (1992) 2021.06.04 17:49:09.879 Pinball parts loaded and built up the MatixBase: 2021.06.04 17:49:09.927 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixShiftEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:51, T:0, W:50, H:100), Matrix(W:1, H:8), ResultArea(Left: 4, Top:0, Right:7, Bottom:0, Width:4, Height:1) 2021.06.04 17:49:09.928 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixShiftEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:50, H:100), Matrix(W:1, H:8), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:4, Bottom:0, Width:5, Height:1) But I have the problem it does not want to Trigger on Solenoid #27...
Timog2179 Posted June 30, 2021 Posted June 30, 2021 It's truly possible that I missunderstood something about your problem (english is not my mother tongue) but: I have adressable rings around my speakers and I used Magnasave MX (left and right) in the configtool for them. At nearly all tables (because most tables dont have magnasave) these lines are empty by default, so you dont have to erase them for every single table before you fill in your own effects.
jarr3 Posted January 5, 2022 Author Posted January 5, 2022 Hi, I did not see you answer until now... so that is the reason for my late reply. Well, I wanted to see if it is possible to use the local configuration for DOF in conjunction with the config from the website, similar to what you have done with the Magnasave MX keys. For the Magnasave MX and Flipper MX keys, I have actually updated most of them to fit the Magnasave version as well as double-check with pictures on IPDB.org, so that the colors fit.
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