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[New PuP-Pack Alert]Ghostbusters LE PuPPack

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Ghostbusters LE PuPPack

Ghostbusters PupPack


as a 1080p version and as a 720p version, depending on what your computer can handle better. The installation instructions are in the readme file. You can use the different batch files to find your suitable version (can be overwritten again and again so don't worry when trying out)

This pack uses many pupscreens if it doesn't work properly. tried the alternative ..... batch files then it should work better

a special thank  to Joey Beaulieu for his overlays

have fun with it, my other puppacks will follow in the near future


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  • 4 weeks later...
On 5/16/2021 at 3:20 AM, gramps said:

My apologies, I asked before I saw the support tab.  Which Ghostbusters table works with this PuPPack?

Yes I don't uderstand the silence around this, the table is clearly JP's Ghost Busters Slimer based off Sterns real one, but this doesn't work with it but the people showing the table working with this won't share how they did it.

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On 6/11/2021 at 6:38 PM, WrATH2000 said:

Yes I don't uderstand the silence around this, the table is clearly JP's Ghost Busters Slimer based off Sterns real one, but this doesn't work with it but the people showing the table working with this won't share how they did it.

Strange, but thanks, WrATH2000

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 5 months later...
  • 4 months later...

You'll have to search for the table else where, for some reason it's not hosted here but you can get it, that's the LE version based on Sterns version. I should imagine it's because there are copyright issues being a newish table or some code between table makers that they won't reproduce new tables for a certain time period.

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Ghostbusters is caught in one of those where "not quite good intentions" spots is in the community.


For the emulation, that's actually the reason it was C&D'd - the VPinSPA actually uses a DLL from Farsight's Stern Pinball Arcade (Hence the VPinSPA name), and Farsight was the one that sent the C&D, because it was a violation of the end user license for Stern Pinball Arcade.


For regular PinMAME, I understand that it's in part that emulation is trickier because Spike 1 is more or less a Linux system, so it's non-trivial from an architecture point of view, and that Spike 1 may be just close enough to Spike 2 that it would lay too much groundwork for Spike 2 emulation to be made by someone else, and they'd prefer that Spike 2 be out of production for three years before taking the chance. And there's the issue with VPinSPA actually contaminating the "pool"... if nothing else, it makes providing a VPinMAME enabled version of Ghostbusters a potentially tricky issue, at least in terms of having no "good" way to keep VPinSPA from being substituted by others on a new build of the table, so it's still quite possible that Farsight would C&D another release even if there is proper Spike 1 emulation available, just because VPinSPA is still out there.


TL;DR: Someone ripped a DLL to make Ghostbusters work, and the resulting legal contamination of it probably means that we won't ever see a "legitimate" release of Ghostbusters being able to be made available for straight download.

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  • 7 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Excellent table as it stands...then it becomes phenomenal with the addition of a working PuP pack. I've been trying for over a month to get my hands on this one, and now I can say it was worth the effort. Don't waste your time trying to use this PuP Pack without locating the LE Stern table first. Do some digging. Just like everything else..it's out there. It all boils down to how much you really want it.

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  • 3 months later...

very strange issue i'm having, (besides all of the other strange issues getting the table and dmd to work lol.) The videos don't trigger in the pup. I had it working 2 years ago but now they aren't after redoing the PUP. Any insight would be appreciated. I remember it being one of my favorite PUPs and want to experience it again. Thanks

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1 hour ago, HoganZeros said:

very strange issue i'm having, (besides all of the other strange issues getting the table and dmd to work lol.) The videos don't trigger in the pup. I had it working 2 years ago but now they aren't after redoing the PUP. Any insight would be appreciated. I remember it being one of my favorite PUPs and want to experience it again. Thanks

The INI File in the VPinSPA Folder

; if enabled, send frames to PinUP.
enabled = true

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  • 2 months later...
  • 6 months later...

Someone will inevitably find this post so this is the fix for the above. Here's how to find the 'Spirit Smashers' DMD for 2 Screen users.


This|These tip(s) presumes you have run the table successfully and are only miffed you can't seem to get the virtual DMD to work.


1.) The vDMD is generated from the ROM and will come via way of VpinMame, so make sure in the 'Spirit Smashers' config; you have hit F1 and enabled external DMD, etc.

2.) Go to your 'Spirit Smashers' emulator folder that resembles vPinMAME;  and rename the dmddevice.ini and dmddevice.dll to .dllBak; respectively. (this way you can revert if you ever needed to.)

3.) Go to your (hopefully current) version of VPinMAME folder; and copy your dmddevice.dll and dmddevice.ini; to your 'Spirit Smashers' emulator directory.

4.) Open up dmddevice.ini from the new location; in a text editor, near the bottom of the file will be all the saved positions of your previous DMDs (from where you've dragged, resized them and then right-click 'save for this table').

4a.) Now, find the name of a table you KNOW you use the virtualDMD for and KNOW where the position renders on your display. COPY and PASTE that block from the [romname] down, including all the positions for x, y etc.

4c.) In the [romname] text block, delete the copied text and type the $romname for the title in question. 


I hope this helps ease someone's frustration.


I'm a firm believer in 'try before you buy' and 'shareware'. But remember;  Developers work hard, long hours often in unfair situations. Their creations don't come with an owners manual and its usually original thought. Stealing their code is like

stealing from their(s) Wife's panty drawer. If you like the software, buy the software. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

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