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It's in the Pinside thread here:

The link to the files are here:

Direct quote from the Pinside thread from Rappelbox:

     Complete credits for this work go to @malenko, @lucky1, @steve45 for their work on pin2dmd, editor and the colorization!!!

     Please support them by donating to www.pin2dmd.com, respectively to http://www.paypal.me/Malenk0


The thing to note about this is that for a real pin you have to change the RGB sequence on the display to make the colours look right. I don't think this is clearly stated anywhere or perhaps I missed it. I've installed quite a few of these and it's the only one that I've had to change that setting on. I can't remember which one I picked but it's definitely not the default one. @lucky1 might be able to tell you which one specifically.

Good luck!



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Yes, it's in the display menu. Follow the instructions below and find "RGB Sequence" then hit button 2 to change it. When you are done, you will have to find the "Save Config" option.


To get into the config mode, have the game/display powered on. Press and hold button 1 and then press and release the reset button. After a second the display should say "Config Menu" on the front and you can let go of button 1. You can then press button 1 to scroll through all the options and button 2 to make adjustments. When you are done, scroll through the options with button 1 until you get to "Save Config" and hit button 2. It will reboot and you should be good to go. Most options will not need adjusting, perhaps just the brightness. The display should figure out what game it's in as soon as it's powered up and gets some data from the game. If you accidentally change something that you don't think should have been touched, just hit button 1 to scroll to the "Exit" option and then hit button 2. If you want to reset the display to factory settings scroll through until you get to "Reset Config" and hit button 2. It will display "Defaults Set". You then need to hit button 1 until you get to "Save Config". Once there, hit button 2. It will reset the display to factory settings and you can start again.

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