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Major Issue Installing Vpx With Vp 990


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I'm going to post here just incase this has something to do with DOF.



So I decided to tryout VPX on my cab and completely screwed it up somehow. I backed up my X:\vpinball\tables\*.vbs files and the three .dlls at the root of X:\vpinball to another drive.


Downloaded the newest VPX build, extracted the exe/.dlls to the root of my vpinball dir and new vbs files to the tables dir.


I was getting all kinds of weird errors on the MB and Toledo VPX tables so I figured I'd copy the original files back and stick with VP990/VP92/physmod5 but now I get an "Out of Memory error Line 1" on every table. What did I screw up?


vpinball.exe is set to run as admin and the .dll's are unblocked. I also tried running the vpinmame setup again.


As it's going through the table diag, I notice that the first two RGB leds blink on the cab before it shits the bed. For all the games I've played I've never seen that behavior. Also on a table like JP the table diag (on the DMD) has an error before it dumps to an "Out of Memory error"




Is there an easy way to disable DOF temp?


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