Strip Joker Poker (Gottlieb 1978) Special Edition
- Fixed and re-aligned several plastics
- Adjusted Plunger Strength and added new walls to prevent ball shifting in plunger lane
- Adjusted rolling numbers on backglass score in b2S to be more authentic
- Added new MP4 1280x320 DMD video
- Minor other adjustments and fixes
NOTE: This table and pup pack contains nudity and themes that might be considered offensive.
If you are offended easily - DO NOT DOWNLOAD!
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I am very pleased to release my very special version of Strip Joker Poker (Gottlieb 1978).
This is a solid rebuild of the original table by BorgDog, that has been updated to the max with some very special additional features.
Let me give you some back story on this project:
I own one of only 12 existing Casino Strip Laserdisc games in the world. This was a special laserdisc game that came out in the early 80's when there was a slew of other laserdisc games making bank in the arcades. Casino Strip Laserdisc game had 2 screens. 1 was connected directly to the laserdisc player, the other (mid cabinet) was connected to a PCB with a Jack's or Better poker game on it. When you won a hand, the character on the upper screen would strip a piece of clothing. If you lost, the laserdisc player would run the footage in reverse and the character would "suck" their clothes back on in a weird manner (because it was in reverse). This was incredibly rare feature of a laser player in the 80s.
You can imagine that any game with nudity was not in your regular arcade, so these machines were in bars and strip clubs and made a huge amount of money. The company that made the game made multiple laserdiscs pressings (11 in all) with different characters and different rom sets you can swamp out in the main PCB and laser player. I have to admit, the first 8 or 9 discs are pretty terrible quality - but discs 10 and 11 are much better, which is the ones I used for this mod.
When I was working on the rebuild of Joker Poker - it was GoldChicco that suggested I should make a "Strip Joker Poker" as well.
I thought it would be cool to combine Joker Poker with the 80's Casino Strip Laserdisc theme and video. Keeping both in the same era / time period - early eighties - with a little cheese!
I digitized the laserdiscs and edited the footage to work in both VPX and Pup, using a special new feature in VPX 10.7 that allows you to mirror video onto a flasher in any VPX table.
Thus, the video plays right in the center of the playfield, so no more having to look UP at a backglass or DMD to watch this video, at least not in this release, because this table has full motion video right in your main viewing area of the table ... not sure, but I think this is a first!
I had NEVER built a pup pack before, let alone programmed one for an EM table with no rom or triggers ... so that was a huge learning experience and with the help of Pinballfan2018 ... we all made it happen. I learned a lot about pup packs, how they work, and how to program them now ... do not be diswayed this is my first pup pack, a learned how it works from the best and this pup pack runs smooth and accurate.
Big shout out to Apophis for all his assistance, additions, suggestions, and testing (see credits below).
For those wondering, the standard Joker Poker EM (Gottlieb 1978) I re-did will be released in about a week.
Enough of all this ... lets get to the good stuff.
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- You need the latest version of Pinup Player (or Pinup Popper) for this to run properly. At least 1.45 but preferably 1.46.
- You need VPX 10.7 for this table to load and run properly. 10.6 will NOT work!
- Download the file, unblock and unzip it and put it in your PUPVideos folder.
- Download the VPX table zip - this zip also includes a new backglass.
- Download the DMDs+Wheels+Toppers if you need to fill all the screens of your cab.
- This table WILL work for Desktop users because Pinup Popper DOES NOT use your backglass or any other screen for this setup.
- There are 16 characters for you to choose from to strip for you during the game. But wait ... it isn't just nak'ed ladies, there are 4 men characters to choose from as well ... like my wife says "Something for the ladies ..."
- The game rules are the same as the regular versions of Joker Poker with one exception ... the characters will strip off a piece of clothing every 10,000 points. This sounds easy ... it isn't. There are 10 pieces of clothing in total per character.
- If a video is playing and you score another 10,000 while the video is playing, the NEW video will interrupt the previous one. This is normal.
- You MUST keep the ball going or the videos will abruptly STOP. This prevents you from just hanging the ball on a flipper or some other way delaying the game so you can watch the video.
- Note to cabinet users, the pup video will play on your backglass video for 2 seconds when you boot the table and then automatically move behind the backglass ... never to be seen again.
- Again, there is NO ROM for this table ... it is fully programmed and ready to go!
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Needless to say, this was a huge amount of work, not just because it was an EM and my first pup-pack, but because every detail was covered ...
Including, 12 LUT settings you can select with holding down the LEFT MAGNASAVE and pressing the RIGHT MAGNASAVE, a light being added just above the video screen so the light will increase and you lower the LUT level, and OPTIONS menu you can access BEFORE you start any game by holding down the LEFT FLIPPER for 3 seconds, this menu you can set the number of balls, apron color, freeplay, replay scores, etc, all the video digitizing, editing, re-compiling / compressing the new de-interlaced and edit video, and all the new table graphics, combining the 'theme' of the original 'Casino Strip' Laserdisc game.
All this took WAY longer than I originally had planned, but I think the final result is amazing and well worth it!
Show your support by leaving positive comments, reviews, like, or even BEER ME!
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BorgDog: Original VPX table to start with.
HiRez00: All graphics, pup video, pup programming, audio, etc.
Apophis: nFozzy/Roth flippers and physics. Roth drop targets. Some Fleep sounds. VPW dynamics shadows. Testing.
Pinballfan2018: Initial Pup Setup and Testing
GoldChicco: Inspiration and Testing
My Wife: Re-Dubbing and Just Putting Up with Me
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PLEASE NOTE: I create these tables, videos, backglass, etc for fun and for the dedicated VPX pinball users on this and other forum. I DID NOT create this for you to download as SELL, MAKE MONEY OR PROFIT ON!
If you DO, then you are a loser!
DO NOT include any of these files with other downloads or projects without asking permission first.
All Logos, Characters, Copyrights and Trademarks property of their respective owners.
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