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NFL - Saints (Stern 2001) B2S *Fantasy*

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CactusDude Created by

1 Screenshot

About This File

Saints' NFL backglass, because why not. I don't believe Stern actually manufactured a version for this team in 2001 (hence "*Fantasy*" appearing in the title), but maybe someone out there wants to use this. 




FYI, I'm not really a football fan. So feel free to use it on your cab, or download it just to put it into your recycling bin if that makes you happy. Either way, hope you enjoy.

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This is really appreciated!!

I am sure even though this is a Fantasy backglass, as they only made a certain amount of teams back then, that everyone will appreciate you making these!!! I know I do!!

I know you said you don't plan on making anymore, as they were not made in real life, but if you could do one for each team so they all will have a backglass that has same theme, that would be great!! If not, I can redo the fathead versions for the teams you haven't made or are not going to make, but they will not look as great as your versions!! Fantasy or not!!


Damn these look great!! And they look "Authentic"

Thanks again for your contributions to this community!!

Carry on.

Response from the author:

Your enthusiasm is appreciated, xenonph! If I'm really honest, I originally planned to only make enough of these to earn myself the Wildman Wannabe badge - but I couldn't seem to stop even after I got it. I still have some more NFL backglasses in the process of being made. I'm also tempted to redo the ones coyo5050 made just for the sake of consistent designs. I'm still just not sure I'll do *all* the teams. But I'll definitely release some more. Guess we'll see how far I get!

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