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Batman (Data East 1991)

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5 From 9 reviews
6.9 MB File Size

10 Screenshots

About This File

Batman Color DMD version 1.0.2
It is an older DMD so the transitions are rough, and I had to reanimate a bunch of scenes to get them to flow better, but overall I like it. Hope you do too!

Rename Batman_ColorDMD_v1.02 pal and vni files to pin2dmd.pal and pin2dmd.vni and place in your altcolor/btmn_106 folder in VPinMame.
This DMD used vpx 10.6, FreezyDMD 1.7.1 and now 1.8, btmn_106 rom, and Javier's 1.3 table.

Pin2DMD Real table files now available! PM me directly for information.

What's New in Version 1.0.2   See changelog


Version 1.0.2
Fixed random misfires of BatTV Monitors
Fixed Joker Eyes not animating
Changed color of Lightning
Changed color of Batman's eyes
Added colors for Credits/Freeplay and Audits/Adjustments
Tweaked colors to read better

Version 1.0.1 (not available)
Redid BatTV animations from scratch
Redid Batmobile
Revised Attract mode and score
Tweaks and fixes

Version 1.0.0 (no longer available)
Original release - had bugs and missed animations.

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   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member



   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

Beautiful colorization. Mix this with the altsound from the movie and the VPW version of the table and what a difference it makes. 


   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

Wow, I agree, this made the old table like new!



C'est de toute beauté ! 😍



Does it work on real pinball? I have my pin2dmd on my batman.



Seeing Joker in his classic green and purple - awesome!



Awesome!! Love it :).



very well done.  Its like a whole new game!!

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