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The Munsters (Stern 2019) HPMP

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CarnyPriest Created by

6 Screenshots

About This File

Includes reproductions of the English language factory card, promo card as found in the flyers, and a "family portrait" promo card as found in other promotional materials. Also includes coinage card, US currency only. Image clean-up for Grandpa and the promo cards used GIMP. Type, layout, assembly, vectorization, and colorization to simulate print out on Solar Yellow stock in Adobe Illustrator. Also includes Fantasy full(er) color versions of instruction and promo cards. 

Fonts include House of Death Monster font from House Industries, courtesy best-font.com. 

High(er) rez logo for the reproduction cards extracted from The Munsters' Scary Little Christmas title found at cinematerial.com.

Hi rez color logo for the fantasy cards is from sternpinball.com.

Family portrait images are taken from the Pro translite as found in promotional materials hosted by Pinside.

Main reference images are from my own photos of a Pro machine at Pinballz, Austin Texas. The original card has a misspelling which is retained in one of the versions of the card. There is also a version included that has the misspelling corrected. The fantasy version has correct spelling.

Flyers - raw image extracted directly from the factory PDFs using xpdfbin and converted to lossless PNG using ImageMagick.

Added Promo Video and Tutorial Video as supported by PinballX and perhaps other front-ends. Source: Stern Pinball's YT channel.

Videos are in native format and unmodified. I'll point to TerryRed's conversion scripts here, if you need to rotate the videos for your specific hardware setup:


Special thanks to Inkochnito for being the original host of the card reproductions.


Videos are in native format. Try TerryRed's converter scripts if you need to rotate or convert for your specific setup.


This work is free to use by the community without attribution. All sources are trademarks / copyrights of their respective owners. This is to be privately used in front-ends or for other non-commercial (or at least non-profit) pinball-related applications. I hold no responsibility for their misuse. 

Edited by CarnyPriest
link to TerryRed's video converter

What's New in Version 1.2a   See changelog




Just updated a screenshot. Everything else is the same.



1. Added German language card  - from an excellent scan from pinball-universe.de - I did a basic color adjustment in Illustrator for Solar Yellow - it is raster-based. Just let me know if you 
have to have vector. I can do it but the quality of the German card is already very good.

2. All instruction cards - swapped out graphic of Grandpa Munster with the one from the German card. The Solar Yellow card stock graphic is not strictly a full recolor. I kept some white with  the electric sparks, his face, and his shirt. I thought it had a little more visual appeal even if it doesn't strictly simulate printing out on Solar Yellow card stock.
3. English language - part numbers - change typeface to better match how it was done in the English card (reference image from stern-spareparts.de) - arial bold to arial black
4. Correct copyright notes - needed a space - "UniversalStudiosand a copyright of Kayro-Vue..."
5. Added Spanish language card (reference image from stern-spareparts.de)
6. Reprocessed web layer in the first promo apron card as seen in the flyers - AI upscale and then downscale (imgupscaler.com x4) - seems a little less jaggy
7. Corrected z-order for the web layer in the first promo apron card
8. All color cards use the authentic Solar Yellow color exchange file direct from Neenah Astrobrights, the supplier for Stern's card stock 
9. Added Premium Spanish language black and white card (755-51L3-12-W from stern-spareparts.de)
10. The content of the Spanish Premium card is the same as the Pro card except for the part number. I extrapolated this information to reproduce the black and white English language card and the Premium  fantasy color card but these should be considered unvalidated
11. AI upscaled The Munsters' Scary Little Christmas title for ultra hi-rez clear wheel image (imgupscaler.com x4) 

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