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Whoa Nellie! Big Juicy Melons (Stern 2015) Media Pack

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CarnyPriest Created by

5 Screenshots

About This File

Includes English language instruction cards, a pristine version and a dirtied up, distressed "vintage" version. There is a title card for one of the Whizbang produced versions. Coin card is included (US currency only). Graphic elements processed with GIMP and Illustrator. Type and layout produced with Adobe InDesign. Assembly in Adobe Illustrator.

Fonts - Signboard obtained at fontsgeek.com.

Distressed textures -

screenshots taken of isolated nailhead images at dreamstime.com

wood crack vector traced from an online stock photo image obtained at vectorstock.com

dirt texture from GraphicsFuel, free license

original interference pattern image obtained at http://interactive.quantumnano.at 

Flyers - raw image extracted directly from the factory PDFs using xpdfbin and converted to lossless PNG using ImageMagick. Extracted title from the flyer to create high-res wheel images. Plus the Whizbang title card. Melon image taken from a shot of the side panel published at ministryofpinball.com.

Thanks to pinball-magazine.com, Jay Stafford and IPDB.org for reference images.

This work is free to use by the community without attribution. All sources are trademarks / copyrights of their respective owners. This is to be privately used in front-ends or for other non-commercial (or at least non-profit) pinball-related applications. I hold no responsibility for their misuse. 

What's New in Version 1.3   See changelog


1. Replace vintage card with the excellent scan from pinball-universe.de
2. Swapped font and redrew the unblemished card using the excellent scan from pinball-universe.de as a template

3. Coin card uses the authentic Solar Yellow swatch directly from Neenah Astrobrights, supplier for Stern's card stock
4. AI upscale for the Stern sourced clear wheel image (imgupscaler.com x4)
5. Replaced the watermelon wheel image with my final version

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