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Ten Strike Classic, (Benchmark Games, Inc) (2003) (Rascal) (1.4) (HV)

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Ten Strike Classic, Benchmark Games, 2003, two players. This is a reissue and copy of the 1957 Williams Ten Strike. This new 10 Strike uses identical cabinet and art as the original, but has solidstate guts and LED style score displays (instead of score reels). Has two bells (one and ten points) for sound. Scores like regulation bowling, or with a flip of a switch, scores like the original 1957 Williams Ten Strike. Made in Korea specifically for Benchmark, and available only in the five foot length (unlike the original 1957 Williams Ten Strike, which came in both five and seven foot lengths).

Thanks go out to the following people:

Wizards_Hat (Dan) for helping me by doing the scoring script.

Noah Fentz (Paul) for getting me video and pictures from Marvin's Marvelous Mechanical Museum.

Marvin for his useful information about the machine on the web.

Benchmark Games for a copy of the manual.

richg (Rich) for putting me on to the challenge and getting me some pictures.

YouTube for video and sounds.

Beta Testers and Support are:

KEG, Pinball Buzz (Jon), Rawd (Rod), Sabbat (Freddie), gaminglord (Brad), yogiholzer (Jörg), NateD (Nate), and Bob5453 (Bob).

Version 1.3 Added alpha glass to the box around the bowler, thanks for the suggestion Monk.

Version 1.2 Added music to bowl by.

Version 1.1 Fixed a graphic issue with the bowler man being cut in half.


What's New in Version 1.4   See changelog


  • Converted from DT to HV.

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