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Barracora (Williams)(1981)(gtxjoe)(1.0.0)(FS)(9.2)

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14.82 MB File Size
barra_l1 ROM Name
gtxjoe Created by
1981 Year

1 Screenshot

Targets on left bank and right bank must be hit in order to drop targets. Completing bank will enable Multi-ball lock

and increase Bonus Multiplier. Complete BARRA-CORA increases Super Bonus Multiplier which carries over to next ball.

One strategy is to lock ball in top lock and play single ball until it drains. When it drains, ball in top lock is

released allowing you to continue play and repeat strategy

Another special feature: Winner during multiplayer game is awarded 30 second Multi-ball at end of play

Thanks to all VP, B2S, DOF, Media authors/developers who contribute to this hobby

Special Thanks to:

akiles50000 - For the Big Brave Supertutorial (http://www.vpforums.org/index.php?showtopic=25665)

fuzzel, toxie - For continuing to improve/update Visual Pinball. New lightmap/primitives/plunger feature used on this table

JPSalas - Inspiration taken from the TOTAN beta. Learned how to use insert lightmaps/decal layer

melon - Inspiration taken from the recent BK2K release. Learned how to use do GI lighting effects including reflection

DesAngel - Inspiration taken from the VP8 Barracora table


What's New in Version 1.0.0


  • Initial Release

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