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Big Indian (Gottlieb 1974) b2s

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5 From 4 reviews
19.24 MB File Size
HauntFreaks Created by
Tomasaco, HauntFreaks Artwork by
Gottlieb Manufacturer
1974 Year

2 Screenshots

About This File

Big Indian (Gottlieb 1974) b2s

I had a Big Brave machine as a kid so when I came across this I was more then happy to do it justice

from what i can tell the image came from Tomasaco?


  • super clean, high-res, high-detail, 3k image
  • authentic lighting, light mask, bulb, bloom placement
  • precise feature lamps and fonts placement
  • period correct scoring reels
  • cab art on the dmd

need help?  download Full DMD Read Me.txt
I'm now including DT-res-files.zip file (this is collection of .res files for DT mode players to use my b2s files on there single screens) these were created by @Cliffy
I don't ask or beg for donations... if you feel overwhelmingly compelled to do so, PLEASE donate to the charity of your own choice... this is a hobby NOT a business 

Allow file to be included on a VPUniverse downloader app?


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