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Cactus Canyon Cabinet Mod

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5 From 6 reviews
12.22 MB File Size
cc_13 ROM Name
LoadedWeapon Created by
Bally Manufacturer
1998 Year

1 Screenshot

This is another masterpiece remastered by The VPin Workshop. So thanks to them and everyone that touched the table before them. 

Original table link in the info tabs

Must use the VPU Remix Patching system

Patch .dif file and POV .ini included in the zip file

After creating the new table file with the patcher name the table and pov file the same and drop it into the tables folder and use vpx 10.8

Updated lighting and images with new sideblades and POV

As always bladeart can be disabled near the top of the script line 114 on this table

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10.8 required

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   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

sp34 si tu arrives pas a patcher essaie de retelecharger la table original cela ne marche pas avec les tables modifier.


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   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

je ne comprends pas pourquoi je peux patcher certaines tables et d autre non.Cactus,Red an Teddy etWalking dead c 'est impossible,quelqu un sait d ou sa peut venir? merci

Response from the author:

You need to download the original table can't use one you already have

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thank you for these awesome mods they really complete the experience.

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Thanks very much LW,


This renders my precious hours of tweaking and adjusting totally useless...


I thought it was hard to get a better setup for my cab than my own... but  not true.

Thanks for ruining all that hard work, and I really mean it : Thanks a million!

This looks amazing !! 


I'll download all of your mods: this is amazing !! 🙏🔥👍

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