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Jurassic Park 30th LE Stern 2023 Tribute

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4.3 From 15 reviews
4.78 GB File Size
RebelB Created by
RebelB, Jpsalas, & Nailbuster Scripting by
Stern Manufacturer
2023 Year

5 Screenshots

Life finds a way! 


To celebrate the Jurassic Park Anniversary I present to you my tribute to Stern's Jurassic Park 30th Anniversary LE.




I also build custom pinballs too!


-Rebel B



Edited by RebelB

10.7.2 or higher required

What's New in Version 1.1   See changelog


Updated all DOF videos and music files to Pupevent in the script. 

Added 2 screen support files for 2 screen setups. 

Thanks to @RetroG33k for help with scripting. 

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· Edited by Burglecut

   5 of 5 members found this review helpful 5 / 5 members


Thanks for the work looks great but the puppack does not work correctly.

The videos do not trigger during events, no sound, the start screen remains permanently and the bonus screen time between balls is quite long. Unfortunately it's unplayable. Any ideas while waiting for an update ?


Response from the author:

New update to 1.1 should fix this issue. 

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· Edited by cherok


so laggy, it's unplayable for me with all the requirements (and big PC configuration).

Pupack seems really great

Playfield quality seems weird (for example impossible to read the instruction card)

Don't know what to do to improve that

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With latest update on 2 screen cabinet EVERYTHING is working great 👍


Callouts and videos just pull you into this game!  Thanks for all the hard work you have put into this.

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· Edited by rambo


good job  finaly whit the last table is working👍

(remains the top of the table which is bugged)



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Playfield is great, just like the real thing. PUP Pack is accurate and nice but delayed here & there. Ramps and physics are janky are the biggest issue here for me. Overall though, a great first attempt at this table. I can't wait to see progress.

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Great start to the table! Gives me an idea on how the audio package and video package and playfield is from the original table that i might never get to play. Thanks!

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3 screen setup and works fine.

I had a real jp stern pro and this Works fine for a 1.0 version.

Great job.

Control room modes won't start. Sometimes no backgrount sound for few second.

Play's almost as a real spike 2 stern.

Skip bonus screens with flippers would be nice.



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Awesome table!!


How can I use in 2 screen configuration? Like IMLOB ?



Response from the author:


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WOW what a surprise. Great to see newer tables. I played it yesterday night. I am Cabinet User(3screens). For me everything worked fine out of the box. I had sound and the pup videos triggered. Also I have ballrolling sounds. I only dont know where to put the files for DOF. But I think this is hobby and in the community there are lot of people who will have skills to tweak up the table like a Guardians of the galaxy masterpiece. Thanks for all your work on this :) 

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This is gorgeous and I was impressed with the footage I saw on youtube -- all the video callouts from the stern table seem to be here!   Only issue I'm having is no audio from the table (but my ssf is working).  Didn't see anything in the script - is there a reason it might be playing without sound or music?


Pls advise - know I'm gonna love this and thanks for making it!!!

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