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Saving Wallden

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5 From 1 review
149.84 MB File Size
Arelyel Created by
AI / Creative Commons Artwork by
Arelyel Scripting by
Original Manufacturer
2024 Year

4 Screenshots

Here ye! Here ye! Do you have what it takes to save Wallden?


You are an adventurer whose task is to save the town of Wallden. The town has been surrounded ("wall'd en"), and the King and Queen are at risk of being overthrown. Will you join the good side or the bad side? Your choices matter in this unique original table.

This table requires FlexDMD 1.9.1 if you want to use FlexDMD! You will encounter a crash on earlier versions.


Here are some of the revolutionary / experimental features implemented or planned for Saving Wallden:

  • The game uses health / HP instead of balls per game. It's entirely possible (although unlikely) to die on your first ball. And you can lose/gain health during game features.
  • The table features the ability to resume a game if the VPX player was closed in the middle of a game, even if due to a crash (excludes when tournament mode is set)
  • Some of the objectives and wizards will be very uncommon or unseen in other pinball games
  • You can change what wizards you get based on your choices
  • An anxiety-inducing Death Save mode to keep the game alive if you lose all your HP
  • Every game is different due to randomness; but the randomness is procedural so it is competition and tournament friendly
    • If a GLOBAL_SEED is set, then each game with the same seed will have the same randomness (great for tournaments)
    • The randomness is the same between players in a multiplayer game (great for competition fairness)
  • Difficulty selection (5 difficulties)
    • Includes Zen difficulty: Play as long as you want, take a score penalty for the total HP damage you received.
    • Includes Impossible difficulty: Not for the faint of heart: your health is slowly wasting away. Keep that health up to stay alive!
  • Streaming-safe audio, including music I created in MAGIX Music Maker


Check out the wheel made by Animusan2:



This table is a work in progress but it is technically playable in its current state. I would love your input / feedback on it. And if you like what you see and would like to contribute towards its development (voice acting, artwork, testing/feedback, critiquing the rules, etc), I would love to hear from you. Please also report bugs and weirdness to me.

Notes specific for 0.3.0-alpha (these will be removed from the description on the next update, and version-specific notes from then on will be in changelogs):

  • This test release implements the following main features: Blacksmith, Bonus X / Glitch, fundamental gameplay mechanics, tournament mode, procedural (tournament and competition friendly) random number generator, game saving/resuming, high scores, powerups, combo shots, HP mechanic. Remaining features are yet to be implemented. See the changelog in the script for more information.
  • To test the Blacksmith and Glitch mini-wizards, set DEBUG_MODE to 0 in the script to auto-ready them for the center hole at the start of a game.
  • A game cannot be started until the initialization sequence is finished and the table enters attract mode. To skip the sequence and go right to attract on load, set DEBUG_SKIP_INITIALIZATION to true.
  • To test tournament mode, see TOURNAMENT_MODE comments and the constant. See also the GLOBAL_SEED comments and constant.
  • Currently, Scorbit does not work because there is no pinup pack. I will be working to implement a non-PUP Scorbit in 0.4 alpha.

Edited by ArelyelKrele

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· Edited by emanoel299

   1 of 2 members found this review helpful 1 / 2 members


I will give five stars by the great work

Recently, I can see some original tables that looks better in desktop mode. Maybe the conception is for gamers.

Unfortunately, for cabinet mode, those tables loose the real pinball conception. The CGI is so strong if compare to classical EM, Solid State and DMD tables that most elements looks like a real elements and not Graphical elements. It is my opinion, but there are some original tables that keep this conception even in cabinet mode.


Thank you

Response from the author:

I appreciate the review! My goal with Saving Wallden was to make this a realistic table without any fancy effects like you mentioned which indeed wouldn't look that great on cabinet mode. Even the original JPSalas DMD (which was positioned as if on the backglass but actually was on the playfield [off-grid] using flashers) looks terrible on cabinet mode, so I retrofitted it as an on-the-playfield DMD instead, that way it looks good no matter what perspective you use.

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