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Star Wars 4K T-ARC (v.2.0)

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5 From 1 review
32.85 MB File Size
Zombie Zam Created by

1 Screenshot

About This File

This is based on Deak's original Star Wars 4K Landscape T-arc loading video.

Fixed 2 things in this version:

1. LOAD MUSIC: I hated the loading music they picked, and I went back and replaced it with the ROTJ fanfare.
2. CENTER VIDEO/LOGO: While I was at it, I fixed the weird logo loop in the center (it loops twice during the time the full video on the bottom plays in their original version). I replaced the star field video and the X-wings with the Star Wars logo and pasted in X-wing clips taken from the fan trailer for Rogue Squadron (which seems to be video taken from a variety of video game cut scenes, Rogue One, and Star Wars).

I use this for loading any of my Star Wars tables (mostly FX3) and the handful of VPX and FP tables. The quality of the fanfare is pretty low, but it still sounds better than what was there before. I might fix it in a later pass...

Edited by zombiezam

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