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Spinning wheel Front and Back (read the note included)

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290.3 kB File Size
Pinballfan2018 Created by

2 Screenshots

About This File

I created these in order to make the spinning animated wheel. Original T wheel had a -80 degree dark shadow. So when you tried to make a 3d animation, you got big old blob.

** Note***  The Front wheel png has a shade around the outside edge with transparency (helps with the ripple texture look on the side, similar to a coin). If you are going to make a wheel using this png. Your under lying image under the wheel has to be a little smaller then the outside edge!!! If you don't do this, the outside edge of the image underneath will bleed a 1/2 pixel through. My best suggestion is to use your Eclipse tool in Photoshop/convert to a Smart Object and size it down.




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