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Spektre last won the day on May 12 2015

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  1. Hi! Thanks for the guide. If you have time for a couple of questions. 1. Why is there an extra 10 LEDs between some of the LED strips? Sideboard Left starts at 257, and has 134 LEDs. The next LED in line would be 257+134+1 = 392, but the guide shows 401. Sideboard Right starts at 401 and has 134 LEDs. The next LED in line would be 401+134+1 = 536, but the guide shows 545. 2. Does this work with OTHER Arduino boards besides Tiny? I have a lot of Mega 2560s laying around.
  2. If it is an LG OLED 48" TV, it will (just barely) fit into a williams widebody plan.
  3. Correct, even though if it were additive, based on Flipper 1 and Flipper 2's states, if it were additive, you would expect it to be ON. With the logic it uses there is no good way to use this to use the 5 Flasher definitions to make good 3 Flasher definitions. Thanks.
  4. Right, so it is not exactly additive. In the above example, you would think the flipper would be ON at the end, but it is OFF.
  5. I'm not sure what "additive" means. For example. Assume you have combined the 2 flippers (left and right) into one toy = FlipperC The flippers send on and off commands. So, if the command sequence would normally be: Flipper Left ON, Flipper Right ON, Flipper Left OFF What is the state of FlipperC. I'd want it on as it is to be 2 combined (and Flipper Right is still on) but I am betting the toy will be OFF.
  6. What logic does DOF use when "combining toys"?
  7. Happy to see the increased activity on the site. Not happy to see the community is still arguing about some sense of ownership over other people's copyrighted materials.
  8. Version 1.7


    With VP Media Manager you can easily search your cabinet's folders and see which files are missing.
  9. Hi Lucian. I have a couple questions about the laminate. Is it Arlon or Oraguard? Is it Oraguard 210 (which is 2.5mil) or 3.5mil laminate?
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