Hi Guys,
i'm new in the virtual pinball world.
I do this for a few weeks now and i love it.
But i have af few questions and i hope you will help me with this.
I will build my ohw (vitual) pinball machine but i will do this over a year or maybe later, because i am now building a arcade cabinet.
But i want play sometimes on my simple setup for now till i build a new pc for the pinball machine.
Now i have a i5 6400 and as graphics card Gtx 460 g1 on a 32 inch full hd tv monitor.
It plays pretty well but the sound effects are not great with some tables, as an exemple the lord of the rings valinor edition.
The real question is i want to buy now an videocard and later the other parts of the pc. (the hole pc except the videocart)
My choise for now is the NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4060TI (8gb) of the NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 (12gb).
If i check the bottle neck website to test the setup the answere is both great great for the future.
Now i need to tell what i want in the future i5-12600k and one of the Geforce gaming cards with a 48 inch (or something like that size) with 120 hz monitor for fast gameplay.
My next question is what do i need for virtual pinball or in the future.
More tables get Pup packs with multiply videos and more sound effects and need more powerfull performace from the pc.
The price diffrent is more than 130 euro, if you think i need a 4060 than i buy that no problem but maybe i can spend that money better for something else in the machine.
Please let me know what the best setup is for me.