***** Table must be Played in PM5!!! *****
Space Jam from Sega!
Thank you list:
Calvin12 (from Pinside) - provide nice bare playfield pics. If I didn't get these, I probably would not have started the table!
Freneticamnesic - primitive ramps, hoops, nets, and backboards
Akiles50000 - Nice HD pics of the table and table elements
Also wanted to say Thank you to Wildman for the great B2S backglass and Arngrim for the DOF
Well, here is the table! Hope you enjoy it. I like how the diverter on the left ramp places the ball on the left or right flipper based on what shots you are trying to hit in that mode. There is an opening on the ramp to drop weak shots down near the pop bumpers. It rarely happens, but if you see the ball fall down off the ramp there, it's supposed to be like that! Multiball is fun. I've never been able to hit the super duper jackpot! Please report any problems. I do know once in a while, the wabbit hole will eject the ball and the ball will go right back in. I guess it's like a real table with a weak kicker! I tried adjusting it and that was the best compromise I could find. I was trying to simulate the ball rolling around into the hole, but it doesn't seem to work well in PM5. Oh, it should also be noted that I am aware that the shot clock is supposed to be on top of the backboard. I stuck it to the left to allow it to be slightly larger and easier to read, and to not require so much head space.
****Really not sure why but some people seemed to experience a weaker plunger that wasn't strong enough to send the ball into play and had to increase the mechanical strength of the plunger from 40 to 60. Honestly, I'm not sure why.