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Since I decided to have a two week evaluation period, and I needed to re learn some Visual Pinball things, so why not do up a new table? Actually, it's a old one for me, but I rebuilt it, added new graphics and a different style from my other version, and am starting to throw it together. This will be for vp 9.2, and I already have noticed that some things have changed in the way things have to be done. (I gave up completely on 9.9, no ATI support for 16 bit graphics or object order like in previous versions for my laptop, so screw it, can't be bothered to spend time on it at the moment, and I am always out of the home, so half my work is done on my laptop)(I will just make it generic with the build, so it should work fine)

Still have a lot of little graphics to add in, and new scripting as well. I will use my stock set, but some stuff had to be redone, so there will be some brand new graphics just for this one version.

A lot of changes in VP over the years, some good, some bad. I suspect I will end up sending the table over to someone else to go over and add things as needed, as I have other comitments as well that I have delayed long enough. Shaping ball play will be very different, way too many things to change in the editor, and most of it is gobbygook anyway to me, but I heard someone finally used ActiveBall to adjust the flippers behavior, so if anyone knows of a example I can look at and use, please post it here.

Giving myself 2 weeks to learn all the new things about VP may not be a great idea, but then I just don't have the time to be messing around with it either, so 2 weeks it is. I may not be one of the "rock stars" but I still think I can turn out a decent game, and since I fell in love with pinball because of this game, I'm pretty sure I can do it justice. We will all see.  :)

I will post a image when ready, but in the meanwhile, here's a new backdrop I just did, for widescreen desktop.


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get fucking going Tim, Damn, and I thought I was slow.  :)


Just be the one game, as it is, not really worth a lot of time with this, it's more than 5 years old, and has no ramps or cheap Chinese toys glued to it, so 98 percent of the people who play these wouldn't give a damn anyway  :)

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Gruff, but lovable

maybe...  :)

I'm just here to do a table for my own amusement, not to be any ones friend, though people who truly bothered to know me also know I love razzing them as well as a sign of respect. Tim is relatively new to this, and decided to tackle one of the most insanely complex engines ever, so the only way for him to learn is to throw him into the deepest part of the ocean and see if he sinks or swims.  :)

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I left it and came back to it is all. Plus I've been trying hard to look for a better job, interviewing, etc.


Not to steal things here, but this is what I have.

Display match

Ball in play goes to 4 not off.

Player up lights stay on at GOV (Work fine between players).

And any GI routine for flashing lights.


Relatively minor stuff, but I'm across 3 scripts....


We now return you to your topic.... ;)

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Hmm, does dog paddling frantically count as swimming? :)


I'm having my own problems, it appears that 32 bit bmp graphics make walls completely invisible with my ATI card in VP9. How nice...

This lighting feature on everything as well makes images appear way darker than they should, and 32 bit bmp will ONLY show if the lighting feature is turned on in options, which should not make sense but somehow does it.

Anyway, appears I will have to replace a lot of the older graphics now.

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Yeah, I'm converting everything over that doesn't work to png. Oddly enough, graphics that I don't replace that was done in VP 7 work fine, but anything that requires animation has problems. I spent about 80 percent of my time today just combating the various bugs (both the old ones and the new ones) plus inactivity for 6 years means dumb mistakes that drove me nuts. A couple of the old bugs have magnified a bit with VP9, especially with droppable walls all rendering at once and targets are even more transparent than before when a ball is behind them. (Vp always did have problems with that) I'm looking into adding some models to supliment the shaky parts, but that is down the road.

Other changes as well threw me a bit, I now have to redo all my lights (and I have a whack load of them) to use the image feature, which is pretty dull work, but worth it. Despite my level of fustration, there are some real nice things in there that justify the large amount of changes. If I can get around the roadblocks, it should turn out very nice, the new graphics look fantastic to the point that I am redoing just about all of them to match (hence the new backglass I just finished.)

I would be amazed if I can do this in 2 weeks, especially considering I can take 2 months normally, so it will be a bit generic by my standards and will not allow myself to be anal about it (ignoring the fact I just spent 2 hours working out a new metal image for wires, and I still don't think they are good enough)

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Wire guides? You could always make them in fp and import the models into vp for them and spheremap an fp chrome texture on them. You can do the same with rollover switches. It makes the animation very easy.

Did you make this table in fp?

I can help you with models if you need it

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Yes i did, but I kind of like my old wires, just wouldn't be the same without those big honking things sticking out.(Same with the T5 posts, which never were that great, but Francisco has made some nice ones.) I do have Bally era custom pegs for plastic guides, and true sized brackets and gates for Bally solid state as well, but I always make VP a little bit wider than stock (plays better and power of two etc). (not that it makes a difference, I laughed when I tried out the T5 pegs and saw how much higher they were than everyone was using for heights. Every damn table in VP is using wrong heights which is kind of ironic considering all the effort to get exact table dimensions.)

To be honest, I like using my own walls, sometimes especially with models, they can look nice, but they seem to lose something in the translation, they can make tables look sterile a bit. I like my stuff I have used before because they add a bit of a different flavor.

Thanks for the offer, I may have to take you up on that, I certainly could use someone with a lot of knowledge of VP and also has a Nvidia card to check if I managed to get the graphics to work correctly for all cards and all vp9.x versions.

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