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Change Of Pace


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VPU friends.  I wanted to send a note to the group letting everyone know of a change coming from myself.  I only post this as I know several of you have been asking for tables to be built that I've shown interest in building and not as a "poor me" message.  VPU has also become my second home and I felt I owed it to everyone.


I started building tables as there were things out there I wanted and I'm not the type of person to ask someone else to do it so I decided I'd take the plunge and try to build them myself.  I started with an easy one of converting a VP8 table into VP9 full screen (Corvette) then tackled my very first full blown table from scratch with all redrawn material (Stern Playboy).  From that point things took off and that is where Avatar, Iron Man, Tron and POTC came from.  I was fortunate enough to have a couple of great authors take me under their wing and show me the ropes which helped a lot.


As I write this my life has changed.  Some for the better and others not so much.  Most notably, my work says I've been "promoted" but I argue that point since they allowed me to keep my pay from my old position but gave me more responsibility and much more complex work.  Where nights and weekends were rare before they are common place now.  In this time I'm just happy to have a job though so no worries there but it really takes away some of the free time I once had.


Biggest thing is I'm now catching myself spending more time building tables than playing them which is starting to take the fun out of things so I'm making a mental point to kind of hang up the mouse for a while.  With that said I'm still planning on finishing up X-men and releasing it just as soon as the timing is good.  I also have a commitment to help build Big Buck if the images can be made.  Also, for those that saw a couple of leaked videos, before they were taken down, of Metallica and Star Trek (no I didn't post them) know that those are done.  As you can tell my trust with a beta tester/friend was burnt (not sure whom) as it got posted so no, I wont be sharing any of these tables, with anyone, until they are officially allowable.  You know the saying, burn me once same on you, burn me twice shame on me.  I'll share them with the community once timing it right and it's allowed.


With all this said, I still want to give back to the community and am willing to help anyone out whom wants to learn or just needs some help.  Images are more my specialty but I'm willing to help where I can so feel free to IM me if their is something you think I could help you with.


It's been fun and thank you everyone for your support.  Also, if anyone is going to be at the Texas Pinball Festival this year in Dallas I'd love to meet up to put some faces with names!

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Completely understandable 85vett.  When it becomes more of a chore to work on new recreations and takes away from you actually getting to play as much as you like, then it seems like a good idea to step back a bit.  Really appreciate all that you have done so far for the community and I very much look forward to playing whatever you release down the line.

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As I write this my life has changed.  Some for the better and others not so much.  Most notably, my work says I've been "promoted" but I argue that point since they allowed me to keep my pay from my old position but gave me more responsibility and much more complex work.  Where nights and weekends were rare before they are common place now.  In this time I'm just happy to have a job though so no worries there but it really takes away some of the free time I once had.


I know how that goes! 


Hopefully the future brings some valuable free time and we'll see more great tables from you

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Sucks about the new job / more responsibilities / same pay, which seems to be common place nowadays ... unfortunately :(.


no matter what you work on, it has got to stay "fun", so if its not fun, its not worth doing.  As I am reminded of late, life is way too precious, especially for hobby stuff, to waste it on something "unfun".  Hopefully you can strike a good balance for yourself that allows you to code and still have fun, but you know, the best thing for you is ... go play some pinball sir, that's what THIS is all about :)

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Congratulations for you new job, you should be happy to be damn busy because or you are, or you get bored, that's life :)


I am starting a new one myself today, i don't know how it will affect my personal life, but i already know i will spent more time on trafic, will wake up at 6 AM and go back home at 7 PM, but i will not give up my contributions, ledwiz tables is far more easy than build them :D


Too bad for video posted, that was very mean and childish, on my side i will continue to update my vpinmame builds but i won't publish any SAM rom updates, I will share my SAM source to vpinmame team once they will be interested to include it in the official build.

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thx for your infos and take the time you need.

as it´s all for the community there should always be a kind of fun and if that´s not the case something have to change.

so i think everyone can fully understand you and respect it. happy to hear that you are willing to help but and really appreciate the work with you. thanks again for all your great work :)


for the "vid thing" i found it a bit risky posting your Metallica and Star Trek wips in another thread but ok there are timelines to be followed and when people think about it they can estimate the time of release.

but after seeing a post on the other forum that someone uploaded the Vids to youtube i can´t understand how stupid people can be. i haven´t seen the vids but are you sure they are from your builds ? i mean e.g. as you came up with avatar i had myself also done a full playable version half a year ago and perhaps it´s with other table the same that there are more than 1 "personal beta" out. but i never uploaded a vid or so and for me when someone let me beta test a table only me will test it not even when friends are in for playing a betatable will be started. unfortunately i can´t imagine what goes on in some peoples head and don´t approve that but poorly things like that happens and have effects on a lot of things as you can see...



Congratulations for you new job, you should be happy to be damn busy because or you are, or you get bored, that's life :)


I am starting a new one myself today, i don't know how it will affect my personal life, but i already know i will spent more time on trafic, will wake up at 6 AM and go back home at 7 PM, but i will not give up my contributions, ledwiz tables is far more easy than build them :D


Too bad for video posted, that was very mean and childish, on my side i will continue to update my vpinmame builds but i won't publish any SAM rom updates, I will share my SAM source to vpinmame team once they will be interested to include it in the official build.


@angrim +1 for your choice of vpinmame builds and i really can understand that.



so long time will show how the story goes on :)

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Take a break man, I know exactly how you feel. I work on vp at work more than I do regular work. It has become a job, but I enjoy it too. Plus I'm trying to keep pace with an author who worked for Nasa during the "Space Age". He makes JP look slow! Then I have to follow his coding to make a backglass! If that's not stress....

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Vett.....sorry to hear about your job. Unfortunately that seems to be the way of the world, or if they can fire a full timer and fill their shoes with a part timer. At least you weren't a complete casualty. 


I have to say as a new cabinet builder, I have really appreciated your tables. They have kept me up waaaaaay late on many a nights. (Which is really hard with an 18 month old daughter who likes to wake me up at dawn.  :lol:


Good luck in your future endeavors! If you make it to Vegas, I'll have a beer and a couple of show tickets waiting for you. 



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Thanks everyone for your support. 


I just uploaded a final update to Tron.  I'll spend the next few weeks polishing up what will probably be my last release for a while (X-Men).

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