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[New VP10 Alert] Fallout Season 1 (Clairvius 2024)

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Fallout Season 1 (Clairvius 2024)

I Welcome you to the Wasteland with my latest table Fallout. This table was born out of a collaboration between myself and GtecArcade with the help of a few friends along the way. This has been, by far, the most work I've done to date on a table. This is a re-skin of Takut's Swords of Fury. Aside from the artwork, I've added 11 3d models, 3 pup bumpers, and did some table tweaks to make it all work, giving this table a unique feel to the original.


Huge thanks goes out to @takut for allowing me to mod his table.


Hats off to my partner in crime @GtecArcade for the amazing pup he put together to go with the table As well as the idea to do Fallout in the first place.


Thanks to @TiltedIllusions for doing some physics and flipper updates as well as testing


Thanks to @masonm for adding in the Luts as well as testing (change using Mag-saves)


Also thanks to everyone who helped GtecArcade with the pup @Dr.Nobody, @Dave Barnes, @Nevvyboy, @guet35




Download the sweet Pup Pack from GtecArcade



You will need to setup a Alias to play this table, Edit your VPMAlias.txt file in Vpinmame folder

add swrds_l2FO,swrds_l2


All game audio is done with the pup, Rom sounds have been disabled. You will need the pup to play.

(Pup has a option for audio only if you rather use just the B2s)


A quick and easy B2s is included, But I highly recommend you use the Pup Pack.


You must use the latest version of VPX 10.8


VR is currently in the works and will be released in a future update


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