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Hi-Score Pool (Chicago Coin 1971)

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15.77 MB File Size
BorgDog, STAT, HauntFreaks, PinballShawn Created by
BorgDog, HauntFreaks, STAT Artwork by
BorgDog, STAT Scripting by
Chicago Coin Manufacturer
1971 Year

1 Screenshot

re-up of vpinball.com table, no updates or changes


Prompted by a post from drothste12 on vpforums, a whole gang of VPers jumped in to get this table done.  STAT started it off with the initial build and coding of the gameplay and rules and figured out how to do a rotating ball shooter turret with great advice from the forum.  PinballShawn owns the real table and very helpfully provided measurements, gameplay rules, and videos of how it all works, table probably would not be done without all his info. I jumped in when STAT got to busy to finish it up and I resized the table and all it's parts and objects to correct size, and finished up the coding with added features.  Hauntfreaks took all my and STATs initial images and made them all much nicer (he has a way with things like that).

Basic idea of the gameplay is hit the balls to clear the rack.  A great part of the fun is you can't actually see the ball most of the time it's in play. The right flipper or the plunger button shoots the ball (real table has no plunger so just right flipper) as the turret rotates. Clearing the rack adds the listed bonus and give you another ball (well really the same one, but continues to play).  PinballShawn says the game is much better with 2 players as you can steal racks the other player doesn't complete.


There are a couple of gameplay options available by holding down the left flipper before starting a game (thanks to loserman76 and gnance for the idea).


directb2s file is included in the download.


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