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Star Trek (Gottlieb 1971)

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5 From 2 reviews
30.73 MB File Size
BorgDog Created by
BorgDog, Plumb Artwork by
BorgDog Scripting by
Gottlieb Manufacturer
1971 Year

1 Screenshot

re-upload of vpinball table, no changes.


This is Gottlieb's 1971 Star Trek.  This is the export (Italy) version of Astro.  This is an add-a-ball game only.  The replay version of this with different artwork is 4 square.

This update has new logic thanks to allknowing2012/Daryl who found some backglass images on ebay that showed why there is that crazy area in the upper left of the backglass.  It is there for the 10 rollover values, 100,000 to 1,000,000. So I needed to modify the logic and the backglass due to the new info.

Hold down left flipper key before starting a game for a couple seconds to open the option menu (inspired by loserman76 and gnance) Many thanks to sliderpoint and StevOz for physics and bug testing! Thanks to Plumb on vpf for the Astro playfield scan that started this.

directb2s included DOF enabled FS settings in the table are for my cab which has the playfield in portrait mode, most of you will need to adjust the Backdrop settings.


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