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Playboy (Bally 1978)nude mod

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About This File

Hallo everybody
Here's to you a "nude" version of Playboy (Bally 1978)

I took inspiration from nude versions of Elvira and the Party Monsters (Bally 1989) and Creature from the Black

Lagoon (Bally 1992) and most of all from a post of the forum very unsatisfied from this "too dressed" and "not too

Playboy" pinball

My work does NOT want to offend anyone
The files include images of naked girls, even if they are simple drawings.
Therefore if you do not agree, please just don't download them.
Download and use files only if you are an adult.
And don't flame me!

A Zip file with a full set inside: VP9 table, B2S backglass and frontend preview images

The table is a mod of Lord Hiryu's Playboy (Bally 1978) ver 1.0 released on 07-07-2011
The backglass is a mod of Herweh B2S backglass released on 27-02-2013

Lord Hiryu, says  in his posts that all the table he made are free to mod,
Herweh doesen't specify his permission, i tried to send a message but had no answer

So i decide to upload anyway... i hope no one will get angry...

I simply extracted background, playfield and plastics images and "undressed" girls before reimport
hope you'll enjoy

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