Be sure to check the version number when downloading table from "new updated tables" section. The newest version is 2.1.
Usually the file needs to be approved by an administrator before you can download the table, but for some reason it is being put at front of list before it is approved.
So just be sure to check the file version, or you may be downloading old version, thinking it is the updated version.
I first would like to thank Allknowing2012 for allowing mods without permission. I would also like to thank him for making a great table!! I also would like to thank anyone else who helped contribute to this masterpiece, including John90803, Wolis, Drybonz, Thalamus, and HauntFreaks!!
There is much more important info on original download page.
They put in alot of time and work on the original table, and it is appreciated!! So if you like this mod, I would encourage you to thank the original author of the table, as I have only made a few changes!
Original Table...
Find ROM here...
I also would like to thank Flupper for his great Flasher resource table!!
I would also like to thank Thalamus for telling me how to use resource tables!!
I also would like to thank Allknowing2012 and Gtxjoe for teaching me how to add timers to script!
I also would like to thank DJRobX, STAT, Gtxjoe, and nFozzy, for helping me shorten my StopSounds and PlaySounds script commands.
(They each wrote out an example, and between them all, I was able to figure it out!! BIG THANKS!!!)
I would also like to thank DJRobX for showing me example of flasher script command for flasher placement in FS mode.
I also would like to thank STAT for his "Team Change script", which my script is based on.
I also would like to thank Steve "Slydog43" for which these VPX mods would not be possible!!
Converted all pics to WebP format to reduce overall size of table.(VPX7.2 Required)
Converted Wav files in sound manager to ogg format which reduces file size.
File size went from 135 MB's to 48.8 MB's!!!
Added modified JPSalas LUT Toggled with Buy-In Key (2 Key).
Added modified JPSalas LUT script combined with STAT's TEAM Change script.
Now all pic changes are saved and loaded on next table run.
Droptarget pics toggled with M Key. Now saved and loaded on next table run.
Apron pic toggled with N Key. Now saved and loaded on next table run.
Bumpercap pics toggled with Left Magna-Save. Now saved and loaded on next table run.
FS Backdrop pics toggled with Right Magna-Save. Now saved and loaded on next table run.
Converted mp3's to ogg format, and scripted music to be played from Battlestar folder.
(Place Battlestar folder in your Music folder)
Added NVOffset script command, so not to interfere with other tables using same rom.
Version 1.4.1
Added Missing Load Lut script command. Now Lut is saved and loaded for next time table is played.
Version 1.4
Added JP's Lut's script.
Press and hold Left Magna-Save, then press Right Magna-Save to toggle the different Lut's.
I moved the bumper pics to "L" key, and FS Backdrop pics to "K" key, as these were assigned to the Magna-Save keys previously.
If you click the Backdrop, and Options button in the editor when table is loaded, you can set the table to your desired Lut image on right side of editor, and then save table so this will become your personalized default Lut image.
Version 1.3
Moved plunger activated sounds to trigger in plunger lane.
Added JP's GI Effect script, so GI Lights blink with certain events.
(Plunger release, and drop targets activate GI Effect.)
(This proved to be really hard to implement on this table, because there are only GI Lights above the plastics, and below the plastics is lit up with a lightmap.(Basically like Shadows layer added to a flasher, except this is the GI lighting instead of shadows.)
So I had to add timers and call for the visibility of the flasher to match the GI Effect script.
Added GI lighting to DT Backdrop.
Added coin being inserted sound effect, into sound manager and implemented it. (Dropping of quarter in coin box.)
Added drain sound effect.(This sound was in sound manager but not tied to drain.)
Tied upper 2 flashers to bumper hit.
Changed height of drop targets from 1 to 0.01,(Tops can still be seen when dropped.)
Connected adv left and right bonus to red and blue flasher.
Adjusted sides of the flashers above plastics.(So they are not seen off table in DT mode.)
Version 1.02F
Fixed Shoot Again light on playfield, as it was lighting up when 2X light was on.
(Timer Interval was set to 34, same number for 2X light Timer Interval. I just set it for 1 and now it lights up correctly when you get extra ball, and not when 2X is lit.)
Fixed timers on in game rollover sound effects, so there is half of a second between each one, so none will overlap.I found a few that were set to 1 second timers, and they were 5 second sound effects. So this problem is fixed.
Added 22 more sound effects, including 3 more coin sound effects, 2 more awaiting launch sound effects, 7 more side drain sound effects, and 10 more rollover sound effects.
(No sound effects were changed in Music folder, so if you already have the old music in music folder, no need to copy again.)
Switched Default FS Backdrop pic to chrome lettering.
Added flashers from Fluppers Flasher Resource table activated by events.
Version 1.01
Fixed timer on target6 timer. Changed from sw42 to Drain timer. It was activating launch sound effects after multiball.
Added new Instruction Card with slightly bigger resolution. (I didn't make this for frontend usage, as I don't own a cabinet. It is mainly for DT users who want to read actual instructions.)
Corrected info in Version 1.0 that I forgot to update before uploading.
(I reduced the amount of bumpercaps from 15 to 6 as alot of them didn't look good enough. I just forgot to update info before I uploaded version 1.0.)
Added 2 nvram files. One for 5 ball and one for 7 ball.
(Copy nvram into nvram folder where Visual pinball is installed. To go back to 3 ball just delete the nvram.)
(Thanks to Johngreve for asking this question, and thanks to Allknowing2012 for linking to ball adjustment tutorials made by ta2686!!)
I also ran across a post by Steve (Slydog43), asking DarthMarino in his drop target table mod support topic, about seeing top of drop target when in dropped position. So...
I raised the drop targets, So now you can see tops when dropped. (Thanks Steve!!!! Looks more realistic!!)
Added 4 more bumper pics. (another Cylon ship, a Cylon basestar, the Battlestar Galactica ship, and a cylon.)
Added 26 more sound effects mostly triggered by lower rollovers.
Added 2 more Background music sound effects. One is triggered by plunger pull, the other is a disco version of theme played during attract mode.
Added cylon sound effect to lower 2 targets, sw49(right lane to reach top of table), and kickers.
A few other script changes.
Version 1.0
I used Allknowing2012's 2.1b version to make this mod.
Removed Sidewood and Topwood image from being visible in FS view.
Changed Light l18 to enable bulb. (Noticed this light was brighter than rest, so found the cause and fixed.)
Tucked in metal wall under apron near plunger.(Didn't notice this until I darkened apron image.)
Straightened out Shadows ramp5 and Lightmaps flasher7 edges.(By making X and Y control points same number.)
Lowered left bullseye target under plastic so top does not show through plastic.
Lowered pegs above upper targets,(and a 4 others), so red doesn't show through plastics.
Lowered upper-left rollover divider so not seen through plastic.
Added 3 screw primitives to left side of apron.
Darkened apron and lit up cards on apron. (I was going to add Battlestar Galactica logo to apron, but then noticed there was no Scorpion logo on apron except on coin card. I didn't want to clutter apron with logo.)
Pulled bottom of side rails out slightly so side wall didn't cut through.
Changed side rail pics to ones that look like chrome.
Changed sidewalls and top wall in DT view to stars.
Added "plungerreleasefree" sound effect that plays when no pinball is in plunger lane.
Added 18 FS Backdrop pics that can be toggled with left magna-save key (L-CTRL).
Added 6 Bumper Cap pics that can be toggled with right magna-save key (R-CTRL).
Added 6 Drop Target pics that can be toggled with letter "M" on keyboard.
Default apron is darkened, but light version can be toggled with letter "N" on keyboard.
Added 103 sound effects.
2 Background music effects are played during game, and 1 other is toggled when both pinballs are captured in left and right kickers.
(I added timers to these rollover sound effects so they won't shut off if another rollover is triggered before one that hasn't finished. Before I did this, the rollover sound effects seemed too chaotic and cut off too many sounds.)
34 cylon and galactica sound effects are triggered by upper 3 rollovers, and bottom 4 inner rollovers.
The upper 3 rollovers trigger 1 of 17 cylon sound effects.
The lower 4 rollovers trigger 1 of 17 cylon and galactica sound effects.
1 of 5 space gun sound effects is triggered with each bumper hit.
20 sound effects triggered by coin insert.
1 of 4 Beginning sound effects are triggered during attract mode, then 1 of 13 sound effects are played before 1 of 4 Ending sound effects is played.
This table has a buzzing sound that progressively goes up in pitch.
(Part of the Rom I think. I will try to remove this buzzing soon!!)
Place music in your music folder located where you installed Visual Pinball.
Added 2 nvram files. One for 5 ball and one for 7 ball. (For 3 ball no nvram is needed.)
(Copy nvram into nvram folder where Visual pinball is installed. To go back to 3 ball just delete the nvram.)
I included with table, 3 wheel images and 2 different dB2S backglasses with 4 versions each. Regular Orange LEDs, Blue, Red, and Yellow.
Be sure to restart table after starting table for first time as flippers may stick on first start of table on your setup.
(You should do this with all new tables you are trying out for first time to avoid weird table behaviour.)
If the flippers are not working at all, you need to update to the newest VP10.5 Beta, or go to Line 228 and change..
Const UseSolenoids=2
Const UseSolenoids=1
Change from 2 to 1 as this is activating nFozzy's FastFlips.
All pics, trademarks, Logos and sounds belong to their respectful owners. This table is for personal home, and non-commercial use only. This table should be used for educational purposes only..
Hope you enjoy!!
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