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Iron Man (Stern 2010) - HD 65K Colors

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5 From 27 reviews
42.33 MB File Size
im_185ve ROM Name
Pastor Created by
Stern Manufacturer
2010 Year

6 Screenshots

About This File

The truth is… I am Iron Man.


This is the result of completing three colorization projects so far. This one wasn’t even particularly time-consuming; in fact, it was completed over the course of three to four months, starting in May of last year and finishing in August.

Initially, I wanted to wait for the development of Serum for real pins, but since that seems to require a bit more patience I decided not to delay this release any further.


To enable HD frames, simply check out the Tron project I uploaded. Most of you are likely familiar with the process by now.


Enjoy friends.


~ Pastor



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   2 of 2 members found this review helpful 2 / 2 members

Yay!  Another amazing premium quality release!  It doesn't get any better than this.  Many thaniks!


   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

I'm running a real Pin2DMD - 128 x32 and this looks amazing on it. Thank you very much @PastorLUL ! the videos come out really good on it considering the low resolution display!


Definitely makes me want to play this table more. 


   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

Ohhh another 65K serum colorization, this is great! I love my updated Tron, TNG, Goldeneye and now I have a great reason to play some Iron Man again. Thanks for your continued efforts @PastorLUL



Superb, my pincab would need a new DMD to display this :)



Amazing Work! Thank you Very Much!



Incredible work. This really elevates the game to new heights. You have to see it in action. Thank you for all the hard work that went into this!



Amazing Amazing Work!    Feels like a whole new game and now I miss the IMVE I once had. 





Like your other projects, this one is top shelf.  Excellent Job.



I would think 3 to 4 months is still quite a lot of time and appreciate your work, it looks great up there. Thanks!!



Amazing detail, what an awesome addition to the table.



A thing of beauty. We're so spoiled to have you putting in your spare time to create such an awesome piece of work. Thank you!



I am very happy with this upgrade! You make pinball even more fun!

Thanks for your work to make this nice colour dmd!



What a tremendous amount of work.

It's wonderful !

Thank you very much @PastorLUL 



Thank you for sharing this ,put new life into the table and looks awesome



Gorgeous! My son is a huge fan and he was blown away by the new colors. Thanks!



I can't believe how good this is!  I can actually compare the DMD video clips to the pup pack clips now where as before it was hard to see what the DMD was showing.


Such a game changer!!



Toni S. would be so proud😀. Thanks for sharing and all of your time and effort on this.



Looks fantastic,  thanks.



Really beautiful, you really master the subject. Thank you very much PastorLUL 🤩.



Looks awesome!! Much appreciated!



Merci beaucoup pour la création, hâte d'essayer :) 



Top notch as always, sir!  Thanks!

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