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Jurassic Park Pro Le

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4.8 From 9 reviews
1.16 GB File Size
no rom ROM Name
marty Created by
marty Artwork by
marty and thank to Jpsalas Scripting by
Original Manufacturer
2024 Year

2 Screenshots

hello I share with the community the Jurassic Park Pro table from stern as I am improving a little bit I made a big update to my Jurassic Park Le table. I tried to get as close as possible to the rules of the original table. So it's not perfect but after a few I think we're having a good time the table is difficult but fun. So don't get eaten.


Thanks to
-James (Virtual Pinball Gameplay) for the tests et video


Table Details
12 missions to complete
3 intermediate missions to complete
1 final mission
5 Multiball mode
-Multiball Missions
-Multiball T-Rex
-Multiball Raptor

-Multiball Helipad
-CHAOS Multiball

-4 Targets Jackpot
-Rescue the dinosaurs
-Bonus x 5
-Extra Ball
-Jurassic Mystery
-Super Jackpot

-110 voices from the Film
-12 music from the film
-1 music mystery
-FX sound
-Interactive PupPack with 112  videos of the original ultra-light pinball machine 850MB

Complete Pack
-Backgass Full DMD (for those who play without a puppack)

-A complete puppack
-Media for Frontend
-PDF the rules of the game
-The version of Jurassic made on VPX 10.7
Works on vpx 10.8 and vpx 10.8 64bits
-good fun


Edited by marty02

inclus pack
inclus pack
10.7.2 or higher required

What's New in Version 4.2   See changelog


well I missed one more thing so I corrected the script the jeep ball activates after launch I corrected the script.

Please forgive me for the inconvenience caused.

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