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Big Deal (Williams 1977) b2s backglass

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11.81 MB File Size
Abhcoide Created by
Williams Manufacturer
1977 Year

1 Screenshot

About This File

This is a mod of the backglass for Big Deal (Williams 1977).


While I could not find a backglass link using VPS, I did have a .direct2bs file for this table.  Unfortunately, I'm not sure who was the original author, though I think it would be safe to give attribution to @klodo81 who is also the author of the table listed on VPS.


The original .direct2bs file was not a very good scan.  


@Silversurfer helpfully uploaded a touched up scan of this to the Backlgass resources section which can be found here.


I took this scan and imported it into the .direct2bs file mentioned above.  


As the imported image was a much higher resolution than what was in the original, I had to manually adjust all the reels, etc.  Basically, this involved re-aligning them and adjusting the size/spacing to a number that looked ok to my eye.  


The spot for each real location isn't a 90 degree square, so you'll notice some asymmetrical whitespace.  I do not know how to rotate the reel frames to accommodate this (if that's even possible).


The export was made with B2S Designer


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