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Pro Football (Gottlieb 1973)_Teisen_MOD

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24.32 MB File Size
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Loserman76, Popotte, Wildman, Teisen Created by
Gottlieb Manufacturer
1973 Year

2 Screenshots

First I would like to thank Loserman76 for the beautiful work... wherever he is playing pinball!
small changes were made only aesthetically
small improvements in the playfield, plastics, lighting,flippers position...  I want to make it clear that the descriptions for the tables I'm sharing are "standard" for all, changes are made when there is a need for some adjustment.
version used, follow the link to the original table    

Adjustments made:
- lighting and playfield lights
- new cap bumpers
- color adjustment of central posts (spinner)
- metal side guides
- new white plastic guides (upper PF)
- adjust targets
- adjust screws
- new POV
Description of Loserman76:
Pro Football - Gottlieb 1973.
Images by Popotte
Backglass image on desktop background: Popotte
Backglass image in directB2S : Wildman
Setup is like all of my tables - 3 & 5 insert coins. 4 is coin and auto-starts the game.
Since this one is a center shooter type table, the right flipper is used to launch the ball.
Uses VPX 10.5 - I'm not a fan of using betas for table releases


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