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Fast Draw (Gottlieb 1975)_Teisen_MOD

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5 From 1 review
26.22 MB File Size
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Loserman76, JPSalas, EalaDubhSidhe, Black, Itchigo, CONRAM, Akiles50000, Inkochnito, Pinuck, Herweh, JimmyFingers, Bodydump, UncleWilly, Teisen Created by
Gottlieb Manufacturer
1975 Year

2 Screenshots

First I would like to thank Loserman76 for the beautiful work... wherever he is playing pinball!
small changes were made only aesthetically, to my liking...
small improvements in the playfield, plastics, lighting,flippers position...
version used, follow the link to the original table  https://vpuniverse.c...-gottlieb-1975/
Description of Loserman76:
Gottlieb's Fast Draw (1975)
        Table build/scripted by Loserman!
Thanks to the following for their contributions (whether they know it or not!)
If I have missed anyone, let me know as this table would not exist without the
folks in the community. 
Images used for this table were culled from IPDB, Pinside, and various other websites only

  JPSalas - gameroom backdrop and methods gleaned from his fantastic tables
  EalaDubhSidhe - table object templates
  Black - HS save/load routines
  Itchigo - table templates which gave me ideas on how to accomplish what I wanted in this table
  CONRAM - various code ideas learned by tracing through code on his tables
  akiles50000 - for that totally awesome tutorial on table building. So much stuff I now understand because of the work put into this tutorial
  Inkochnito - scorecards/instruction cards
  Pinuck - Gottlieb chimes and score motor routines
  Herweh - directB2S designer and tools
  JimmyFingers - rolling ball and other objects' sound routines
  Bodydump - for his assistance on various tables that got me using primitives and his lights
  UncleWilly - for his primitive templates

Of course, the team behind Visual Pinball - without them, there wouldn't be much choice for playing pinball on a PC
I also must include Black and his Future Pinball as I used tables on that platform to help in building my VP tables.
You can enable dB2S by downloading my backglass file and modifying the script line that reads "B2SOn=false" to "B2SOn=True" (without the quotes of course)
To adjust Balls Per Game and Replay settings, hit '[' then '6' toggles 3 or 5 balls, and 7 moves through the replay settings (pay attention to the insert cards). When you have set them the way you like, hit '[' to exit settings.
NOTE: This table (like all of my recent releases) requires VP9.9x as it contains primitives


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Very nice mods, Teisen. The lighting is cool, adds dept to the table. Well done. This honors Loserman's work big time. For people that run the awesome Child's Play puppack, to stop it starting with this table just change the cgamename to something else in the script. Thanks for sharing Teisen!! Much appreciated.  

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