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Legends of Valhalla (RyGuy417 2023) Tribute

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4.8 From 5 reviews
doflinx_effects ROM Name
ryguy417 Created by
ryguy417,nesta78 Artwork by
ryguy417,ivantba,nesta78 Scripting by
Other - Pinball Manufacturer
2021 Year

3 Screenshots

Riot Pinball and American Pinball introduced this beauty in 2021. This is not a full recreation of that table. It's a tribute in terms of graphics and basic modes.


Rather, it is a mod of @Nesta78's rockin' Vikings table (based on the TV show), which is a mod of @ivantba's Terminator table. It also borrows some of the 3d models from @fastdraw's original submission. All necessary permissions have been obtained :)


For those who have played Nesta78's Vikings table, here's what's new:

  • New playfield based on Legends of Valhalla
  • New 3D models and plastics; side art and back wall
  • New scoring mode to allow for hi-scores saved and presented on the UltraDMD; user interface pops up automatically on-screen to get your initials
  • Uses @TerryRed's DOFLinx_Effects rom to pull in DOF for the first time on this table. Flashers, matrix, fan, beacon, contactors, all should work. Any DOF masters out there--feel free to add to the script and we can share it.
  • Pup pack uses videos pulled from playthroughs of the real thing, modified slightly to match the "simple" version represented here. 2scr and 3scr options included, with the 2scr intended to mimic the "real" experience.


Again, this is only a tribute--if you want to play the real thing, you're going to need a real table :)


Update 4/6/23: Added .bat overlay option for 3screen users with a RealDMD


User Feedback

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   3 of 3 members found this review helpful 3 / 3 members

Really cool theme and table. I dig that there's sound effects and stuff right from the very jump !


For PuP 2-Screen users. It appears the .pup files within the 2-screen options folder are actually for 3-screen and vice-versa. 


I am using OTG thru my ALP and with the 3-Screen 'Full DMD' setup I was able to just turn off the BG and run the Full DMD on my BackGlass (Screen 2)


Works fantastic. 

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· Edited by Chairman7w

   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member


Artwork?  Check!

Sound/Music?  Check!!

Play?  Check!!!

This is a gem, and represents what Virtual Pinball is all about!  Way to go RyGuy417!!

This table has it all! and I said as much in my recap of it here:


Response from the author:

Thanks for the kind comments!

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   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

Geat job, love it!!!

I just removed rainbow on right flip.

Response from the author:

I prefer to think of it as “flamboyant” dragon fire!

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   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

Impressive!  Thanks for you time and effort this table is a very cool tribute 

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