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Attila the Hun (Game Plan 1984) - attila

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1984 Year

1 Screenshot

Attila the Hun / IPD No. 109 / April, 1984 / 4 Players

Manufacturer: Game Plan, Incorporated (1978-1985) [Trade Name: Game Plan]

Model Number: 260

MPU: Game Plan MPU-2

Type: Solid State Electronic (SS) question.gif

Production: 500 units (confirmed)

Theme: Historical

Notable Features: Flippers (2), Pop bumpers (3), Slingshots (2), 3-bank drop targets (2), Captive ball (1), Spinning target (1).

Concept by: Ed Cebula

Design by: John Trudeau


In The Pinball Compendium 1982 to Present, designer John Trudeau states that when he worked at Game Plan, his mentor and boss Ed Cebula wanted him to do a playfield layout and artwork on the theme of Attila the Hun. We contacted John who told us that it was about 1981 when he did the layout and artwork, and also it was when Game Plan decided to cease pinball production, thus his game was not made and he left with his artwork. A resurgence of pinball brought Game Plan back into making pinballs and in 1984 this game was finally produced. However, John was with Gottlieb by this time and still possessed his artwork, so new art was done for the game, although John's playfield layout was still used. He has provided for this listing some film photographs of his 1981 art.


What's New in Version 12/16/12 09:51 PM   See changelog


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