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Zissou The Life Aquatic

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5 From 2 reviews
143.65 MB File Size
Loserman / Manbearpig Created by
Manbearpig Artwork by
Loserman Scripting by
2022 Year

4 Screenshots

This started out as Gottlieb Tiger by Loseman.


Thank you to the community and all the great people here!!


Added nFozzy and Fleep with some script help from @flux and a message or two from bord. But could not have done it without bords videos. I also used @hauntfreaks Big Brave as a reference for the scripting.

Complete custom art drawn from internet images. I have attached one of the real table.

Tried my hand at the @bord style blender lighting from his videos as well. This is tough and I'm not even close to perfecting it.

@Goldchicco added his ball shadow for me after a DM for some other lighting help.


So I started down the rabbit hole of Fleep and nFozzy with this and attempting to do what @leeoneil is doing with the Loserman tables, but it's a lot. I still have Tiger partially complete, but this was my real focus. This table is modeled after the table in the Wes Anderson movie The Life Aquatic. The real machine is in Bar Luce’ in Italy. I searched the sh*t out of the web to source enough images to create it. All the art besides the back glass was drawn by me in Photoshop and took way longer than I thought it would. The back glass still took some doctoring. The table has the Ping Island track looped for some added effect. Created on 10.6.



Everything you need is in the zip



FullDMD video


*no rom needed




v10.6 optional

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HUGE Wes fan here, and this is my favorite movie of his. Booted it up and I wasn't expecting the music- I seriously got pumped up and started doing the Zissou head nod to the song. Love this! Absolutely fantastic work!!

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