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Corvette FS (Bally) (1994) (85vett)

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5 From 3 reviews
48.65 MB File Size
85vett Created by
85vett Artwork by
85vett, gtxjoe Scripting by
1994 Year

1 Screenshot

Uploading this as a new table as it appears I never uploaded my old version to this site. This is a complete rework of what I previously had. Main goal was to get it to look better graphically and make it physmod5 compatible. Primative targets and bumpers have been added as well. Could use a primative engine but I'll update the table if once comes available.

This table plays VERY fast! I recommend it to be played in physmod5 but for those not looking to move to this VP version I am adding a VP 9.9 version. I did add some magnets to the engine which will sometimes get the ball to shake. It's not what I really envision as it should be but I figured I'd release this now since it's fully playable and that I would just add that in an update if a better solution comes to light.

Not a lot of good resources for this table so it was tough to get it to look decent. Not graphically as much as I'd like but I'm done working on it for now and didn't want it to sit without the ability to be played by others.

Have fun with it and with all of my other tables. If you see any issues let em know and I'll try to resolve them as soon as possible.

Big thanks to gtxjoe for getting the cars to work and for helping to point me in the right direction on the ZR1 engine shaking.


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