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Found 5 results

  1. Version 2.0


    Attack! I'm happy to share my Attack From Mars Serum colorization. ROM: afm_113b English NOTE: A few people have reported VPX crashing with this colorization but installing DMDEXT v2.2.2 (or higher, when available) apparently solves the issue. Backup your DMDDEVICE.INI before updating! Enjoy!
  2. Version 1.03


    Attack From Mars has always been my favorite pinball table. It was designed with simple rules to attract newcomers, keeping players engaged and entertained without requiring a deep understanding of complex strategies. This approach works well for me, as I often forget the rules after not playing the table for a while. Additionally, I love it because I'm a sci-fi fan, and the aliens perform amusing antics during the game, such as straightening the Leaning Tower of Pisa. Video that Provides an Overview of the Table: My goal was to enhance this table to be both functional and visually appealing, without excessive models and animations. As a result, it now features four lighting settings, FizX 3.3, Surround Sound Feedback (SSF), and numerous new graphics. My friend SpacePirateScott added the Super Skill Shot, which was surprisingly absent in previous Future Pinball (FP) versions. I also installed a four-color Dot Matrix Display (DMD). Please follow the instructions in the PDF file included in the download for installing the table and the DMD zip file. I initially used the lighting from version 1.02-2 but revised it extensively. The original version of the table plunged into complete darkness when the ball hit certain objects, a feature that persisted through subsequent versions. I found this excessive, so I adjusted it to slightly dim the lights when the ball hits objects on the playfield and further darken them when the ball drains. I believe these adjustments enhance the visual experience. I replaced the old menu system from version 1.02-2 with what Gimli and I refer to as "tweakers." This is the first table since Avatar where I've included Game and Lighting tweakers. It took some time to develop a standardized code template for new tables, which I used for this table. I also devised a more effective method for managing preset options, which I added to the FizX and Game tweakers, as explained in the accompanying video. Video Demonstrating the Menu System I Call "Tweakers": Initially, I thought the sound in version 1.02-2 was satisfactory until I integrated Fleep's game sound recordings. I then noticed that certain sounds, particularly the ball rolling sounds, were indistinct. To address this, I introduced the "Sound Level Control Panel," a feature I've implemented in other tables. This involved categorizing sounds into music, game mechanical sounds, special effects, and voice quotes, each with separate volume adjustments for loud and soft levels where necessary. For the first time, I've integrated options for the script-based "Sound Level Control Panel" into the Game Tweaker. While these options still appear in the script, they are now used as default values accessible via the tweaker. Having sound controls on the tweaker allows for real-time adjustments. I've read that some cabinet users struggle to hear the ball rolling sound, and TerryRed suggested that lowering the volume of all other sounds is the only solution. Therefore, I added an option to the tweaker to facilitate this adjustment. FP provides two options to adjust music and game sounds. I recommend setting both to maximum and not use them, as the music manager includes various non-musical sounds that are best managed through the Game Tweaker's sound options. A user known as Enthusiast helped me test the table on his cabinet. He encountered some difficulty opening the tweaker after installing the table. To display the tweaker on the playfield apron, the HUD needs to be turned off. Enthusiast used the "Hide Overlays" option in BAM’s Addons menu to turn off all HUD displays. He was unaware that he also needed to manually turn off the HUD to display the tweaker on the playfield apron. To address this, I added code that automatically detects when the table is being played on a cabinet and turns the HUD off. Enthusiast tested this update and was able to install the table on his cabinet without having to make any changes or adjustments to the table. I want to express my gratitude to Enthusiast for his significant help. He requested a version of the table for a 3-monitor pinball cabinet, which I created and gave to him but also included it in the download. This version works on his cabinet. Features carried over from Version 1.02-2: The number of Martians killed during the current game and the Martian champion count are displayed when the "Martian Attack Multiball" mode ends. You can also press the "M" key on your keyboard at any time to display these counts. Added bulbs under the plastics that produce a glow through the plastics. The maximum score has been increased from about 2 billion points to 922 trillion due to BAM coding. Added Gimli's multiplayer mod, which provides correct prompts for adding players and includes a method for adding the high score at the end of the game. I want to express my appreciation for SpacePirateScott's contributions to this table. He performed extensive testing and added the Super Skill Shot, which works by holding the left flipper down while launching the ball and then hitting one of the targets with a flashing red light to earn 50 million points. This is a modification of one of Slamt1lt's tables. While I had to remove a few of the features he added, most remain. Please refer to the script for all his changes. I changed this table more than I originally anticipated, resulting in a long development time. Since this is my favorite table, I invested everything I had into it. Not only were new BAM features added but some latent problems from previous versions were also resolved. I believe these improvements have significantly enhanced the table. I hope you enjoy it. George List of Changes: Added two new versions of the speaker panel texture on the translite. Added a new texture on the apron. Added new textures on the inside walls of the cabinet, with an option to switch between these and the textures from Version 1.02-1. Added FizX, Surround Sound Feedback (SSF), Fleep audio recordings, and a PUP pack for the audio. Added ray casting for the ball. Added tweakers (menu system) for game, lighting, and the latest version of the FizX tweaker. Added a new landscape table loading texture featuring aliens attacking New York City and a portrait version showing a cow pulled into the air by flying saucers. Added a new texture for the flippers that matches the rest of the table better than the old texture. Revised the lighting extensively from Version 1.02-1. Added new music for the attract mode in the original music mode (previously the same as the Movie Music Mode). Added a "Sound Level Control Panel" that controls every sound on the table and can be adjusted in the Game Tweaker. Added an option on the Game Tweaker to lower all sounds except the ball rolling sound to make the ball rolling sound more audible.. Added color DMDs that require the use of the zip file included in the download. SpacePirateScott added the Super Skill Shot, which was absent in previous FP versions. Made lighting switchable between Day, Dusk, Night, and Dark Night modes by pressing the "L" key, in addition to switching them on the Lighting Tweaker. Revised the "Bounce Choice Presets" option on the FizX Tweaker to show messages for "Current Unsaved Settings" and "Saved User Settings." Also updated the Audio Preset Volumes" on the Game Tweaker in the same way. Set the default volume level for "Loud SSF Game Sound" higher for PUP than for FP, as FP sounds are louder. Added an option on the Game Tweaker to change Strobe Multiball so it uses normal lighting instead of flashing lights to accommodate people with photophobia. The tweaker displays can be switched between the HUD on the upper right side of the table and the playfield apron (to support cabinet users). The latest version of the tweakers can be operated using just the flipper and plunger keys after the table is loaded but before the game start key is pressed. Created a new version of the "rotated display" table that uses the BAM camera and requires less setup than the old method. Added new details to the textures on the models of the aliens. Found a lane guide poking through the plastic ramp above it and hitting the ball. Created new lane guides that are lower and don't interfere with the ball. Created a version of the table for a 3-monitor pinball cabinet. Added code to automatically turn off the HUD when the table is played on a cabinet. Added parameter for 14 custom desktop camera views in the Game Tweaker. Table Developers: Francisco666, Moogster66, PinBalt, Polygame, Drakko, Slamt1lt, Tomasaco, Gimli, SpacePirateScott, Enthusiast, GeorgeH
  3. View File Attack From Mars (Bally-Midway, 1995) (FizX 3.3) Attack From Mars has always been my favorite pinball table. It was designed with simple rules to attract newcomers, keeping players engaged and entertained without requiring a deep understanding of complex strategies. This approach works well for me, as I often forget the rules after not playing the table for a while. Additionally, I love it because I'm a sci-fi fan, and the aliens perform amusing antics during the game, such as straightening the Leaning Tower of Pisa. Video that Provides an Overview of the Table: My goal was to enhance this table to be both functional and visually appealing, without excessive models and animations. As a result, it now features four lighting settings, FizX 3.3, Surround Sound Feedback (SSF), and numerous new graphics. My friend SpacePirateScott added the Super Skill Shot, which was surprisingly absent in previous Future Pinball (FP) versions. I also installed a four-color Dot Matrix Display (DMD). Please follow the instructions in the PDF file included in the download for installing the table and the DMD zip file. I initially used the lighting from version 1.02-2 but revised it extensively. The original version of the table plunged into complete darkness when the ball hit certain objects, a feature that persisted through subsequent versions. I found this excessive, so I adjusted it to slightly dim the lights when the ball hits objects on the playfield and further darken them when the ball drains. I believe these adjustments enhance the visual experience. I replaced the old menu system from version 1.02-2 with what Gimli and I refer to as "tweakers." This is the first table since Avatar where I've included Game and Lighting tweakers. It took some time to develop a standardized code template for new tables, which I used for this table. I also devised a more effective method for managing preset options, which I added to the FizX and Game tweakers, as explained in the accompanying video. Video Demonstrating the Menu System I Call "Tweakers": Initially, I thought the sound in version 1.02-2 was satisfactory until I integrated Fleep's game sound recordings. I then noticed that certain sounds, particularly the ball rolling sounds, were indistinct. To address this, I introduced the "Sound Level Control Panel," a feature I've implemented in other tables. This involved categorizing sounds into music, game mechanical sounds, special effects, and voice quotes, each with separate volume adjustments for loud and soft levels where necessary. For the first time, I've integrated options for the script-based "Sound Level Control Panel" into the Game Tweaker. While these options still appear in the script, they are now used as default values accessible via the tweaker. Having sound controls on the tweaker allows for real-time adjustments. I've read that some cabinet users struggle to hear the ball rolling sound, and TerryRed suggested that lowering the volume of all other sounds is the only solution. Therefore, I added an option to the tweaker to facilitate this adjustment. FP provides two options to adjust music and game sounds. I recommend setting both to maximum and not use them, as the music manager includes various non-musical sounds that are best managed through the Game Tweaker's sound options. A user known as Enthusiast helped me test the table on his cabinet. He encountered some difficulty opening the tweaker after installing the table. To display the tweaker on the playfield apron, the HUD needs to be turned off. Enthusiast used the "Hide Overlays" option in BAM’s Addons menu to turn off all HUD displays. He was unaware that he also needed to manually turn off the HUD to display the tweaker on the playfield apron. To address this, I added code that automatically detects when the table is being played on a cabinet and turns the HUD off. Enthusiast tested this update and was able to install the table on his cabinet without having to make any changes or adjustments to the table. I want to express my gratitude to Enthusiast for his significant help. He requested a version of the table for a 3-monitor pinball cabinet, which I created and gave to him but also included it in the download. This version works on his cabinet. Features carried over from Version 1.02-2: The number of Martians killed during the current game and the Martian champion count are displayed when the "Martian Attack Multiball" mode ends. You can also press the "M" key on your keyboard at any time to display these counts. Added bulbs under the plastics that produce a glow through the plastics. The maximum score has been increased from about 2 billion points to 922 trillion due to BAM coding. Added Gimli's multiplayer mod, which provides correct prompts for adding players and includes a method for adding the high score at the end of the game. I want to express my appreciation for SpacePirateScott's contributions to this table. He performed extensive testing and added the Super Skill Shot, which works by holding the left flipper down while launching the ball and then hitting one of the targets with a flashing red light to earn 50 million points. This is a modification of one of Slamt1lt's tables. While I had to remove a few of the features he added, most remain. Please refer to the script for all his changes. I changed this table more than I originally anticipated, resulting in a long development time. Since this is my favorite table, I invested everything I had into it. Not only were new BAM features added but some latent problems from previous versions were also resolved. I believe these improvements have significantly enhanced the table. I hope you enjoy it. George List of Changes: Added two new versions of the speaker panel texture on the translite. Added a new texture on the apron. Added new textures on the inside walls of the cabinet, with an option to switch between these and the textures from Version 1.02-1. Added FizX, Surround Sound Feedback (SSF), Fleep audio recordings, and a PUP pack for the audio. Added ray casting for the ball. Added tweakers (menu system) for game, lighting, and the latest version of the FizX tweaker. Added a new landscape table loading texture featuring aliens attacking New York City and a portrait version showing a cow pulled into the air by flying saucers. Added a new texture for the flippers that matches the rest of the table better than the old texture. Revised the lighting extensively from Version 1.02-1. Added new music for the attract mode in the original music mode (previously the same as the Movie Music Mode). Added a "Sound Level Control Panel" that controls every sound on the table and can be adjusted in the Game Tweaker. Added an option on the Game Tweaker to lower all sounds except the ball rolling sound to make the ball rolling sound more audible.. Added color DMDs that require the use of the zip file included in the download. SpacePirateScott added the Super Skill Shot, which was absent in previous FP versions. Made lighting switchable between Day, Dusk, Night, and Dark Night modes by pressing the "L" key, in addition to switching them on the Lighting Tweaker. Revised the "Bounce Choice Presets" option on the FizX Tweaker to show messages for "Current Unsaved Settings" and "Saved User Settings." Also updated the Audio Preset Volumes" on the Game Tweaker in the same way. Set the default volume level for "Loud SSF Game Sound" higher for PUP than for FP, as FP sounds are louder. Added an option on the Game Tweaker to change Strobe Multiball so it uses normal lighting instead of flashing lights to accommodate people with photophobia. The tweaker displays can be switched between the HUD on the upper right side of the table and the playfield apron (to support cabinet users). The latest version of the tweakers can be operated using just the flipper and plunger keys after the table is loaded but before the game start key is pressed. Created a new version of the "rotated display" table that uses the BAM camera and requires less setup than the old method. Added new details to the textures on the models of the aliens. Found a lane guide poking through the plastic ramp above it and hitting the ball. Created new lane guides that are lower and don't interfere with the ball. Created a version of the table for a 3-monitor pinball cabinet. Added code to automatically turn off the HUD when the table is played on a cabinet. Added parameter for 14 custom desktop camera views in the Game Tweaker. Table Developers: Francisco666, Moogster66, PinBalt, Polygame, Drakko, Slamt1lt, Tomasaco, Gimli, SpacePirateScott, Enthusiast, GeorgeH Submitter GeorgeH Submitted 08/10/24 Category Future Pinball Tables  
  4. Version 1.0.0


    Considering popper is showing this is my most played table its a bit surprising it arrives this late, but considering the alternatives out there are pretty decent I figured the demand was low. Nevertheless, here it is... Attack!!!
  5. Version 1.0.0


    "Attack from Mars (Bally 1995)" vpx wheels and dmd picture if you appreciate the work, then thank you for not forgetting a "like" or a "review" , it's nice! Personal, non-commercial use only. Please contact me if you would like to use it in another way.
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