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Anyway to Create "Global State / Event Rules" that work on all tables?


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I did many searches but did not find an answer. I do not know DOF well so forgive me if I missed a way to do what I'm asking about...

I understand tables have different triggers for Lamps, etc -so- it would be nice to have a way to have 'global state / event rules' that override or supplement existing triggers. 

This methodology could be leveraged with any toy, led/lamp, etc.



'Start' button... currently tables all have different actions - some blink until enough credits are put in, some stay solid, some do not control it at all, etc.

So its easier to understand for all (kids, guests, etc) its best to have a single consistent set of state actions for all tables.


I'd like 'states actions' to be like these...


*override / intercept any table commands that conflict

- Not enough credit to start game = Lamp OFF

- Enough credits to start game = Lamp BLINK once per # of players, them pauses 2 seconds, repeat     // this would make it easier to know how many players were added, some tables make it nearly impossible to know. 

- Game started : Lamp OFF


*override / intercept any table commands that conflict

- Prior to game start = Lamp SOLID

- During Game Play = Lamp OFF

- When Game Over : Lamp SOLID


MAGNA Lamp  
* supplement table commands, thus table command is ran first, then this rule is ran after. this way if the table makes the Magnas blink, they still will

- If Magna is mapped in table = Lamp SOLID

- If Magna is not mapped in table = Lamp OFF

- When Game Over : Lamp OFF


*override / intercept any table commands that conflict

- Prior to game start = Lamp OFF

- During Game Play // no rule set, table controls the lamp

- When Game Over : Lamp OFF


*override / intercept any table commands that conflict

- Prior to enough credits added = Lamp BLINK

- Enough Credits Added = Lamp SOLID

- During Game Play : LAMP OFF



* supplement table commands, thus table command is ran first, then this rule is ran after.

- A Player is added : trigger knocker once for each     // this would make it easier to know how many players were added, some tables make it nearly impossible to know. 



Edited by LTek
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