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Pinup Popper 1.5 Problem


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This problem happens in Pinup Popper 1.5 not the previous 1.4.x version.  When I launch the Frontend everything goes well until I try to exit the game so I can get back to the frontend to choose another game.  When I try and exit the game, it exists the whole frontend completely.  Once that happens I cannot relaunch the Frontend because it won't run.  I have to actually reboot the whole computer.  I am using the "Q" key to exit the game and get back to the Frontend.  In Popper Config, I have the "ESC" key assigned to Exit Emulators and I also have it assigned to System Menu.  When I hit the ESC key, it does nothing.  None of the keys for Popper do anything until I am back in the Frontend but I can't get back there , it is impossible.


I tried using the old version of popper and that works fine, I can exit to the Frontend and select other games just fine.  I don't want to use the older version because I would have to make changes and add all my games to it.


Any help would be appreciated.

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