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In the meantime I have started to work on my second colorization: Star Trek: The Next Generation.

The reason behind this title is to let @mk47 do in-depth testing with his REAL machine, and hopefully further develop Serum for real pins.

And of course, this will be available for everyone to enjoy whether it be your vpin or possibly real pin in the near future ;) 

Ok, now starts the series of screenshots and gifs again.









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Posted (edited)

STTNG is now officially complete. When it will be released is uncertain as of now. @freezy is getting dmdext ready for some final changes, which should then support all of the new Serum colorizations, including this one. 


This marks my 4th and final colorization. I will still be around to maintain them and make small changes if necessary.

1 year of me colorizing (I started learning Serum exactly 1 year ago!) has brought you an updated HD Tron, HD Iron Man, AC/DC and now STTNG.


Now I go focus on other stuff, mostly real pin things, as that is why I started with Serum in the first place. I am happy for you vpin guys to be able to enjoy these as well, just as I do on my real games :) 


~ Jan 














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It's amazing how much you have accomplished in one year;  you dove into this hobby hard core!  Thanks for everything Pastor, I truly enjoyed bouncing ideas with you and having our discussions about anything and everything.  Keep in touch buddy!

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