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VPX and PinballX sound issues


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Hello everyone!


Since I updated VPX to 64-bit, I've been experiencing some issues with the sound. I'm using PinballX as the frontend.

On some tables, the table sounds are very loud, and the ROM music is barely audible, even though the TableVolume in the ROM is turned up all the way. On some other tables, the table sounds are barely audible, if at all.


While in the PinballX frontend, the sound is at the correct volume. However, as soon as I start a VPX table, VPX becomes extremely quiet. I can only adjust this using the Windows volume. It's inconvenient, especially when I forget to lower the volume after exiting the table because it startles me when I return to PinballX.

I've tried using PinVol.exe to adjust the volume, and it allows me to control the ROM volume with my keyboard's slider and adjust the Windows volume quickly with Win+F9 and Win+F10. However, I can't seem to adjust the table sounds. Furthermore, even with PinVol.exe, VPX remains five times quieter than PinballX.

Does anyone have any tips for me?

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