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Pup-Pack performance vs VLC performance -- am I missing something?


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I've got a 3rd gen i5 (3570k) system with a 1660ti, running 64-bit VPX 10.8. This runs my 4-screen setup with a 4k playfield well, until I get to the pup-packs. What I'm finding is that some of the multi-video packs such as Balutito's Death Proof or The Getaway are causing severe lag. What's happening is that the PinUpDisplay process is taking 50-60% of the total CPU (which was originally even higher, before tweaking a few vlc/ffmpeg settings). This leaves almost, but not quite, enough CPU for VPX's needs. I get that multiple videos are being decoded here, and also that I can resample them to lower resolution (which definitely helps), but I wanted to point out a few things that don't quite add up to me:


  • When I use the supplied 2.28 version of VLC to run the same videos from the pup pack, I get these CPU percentages (roughly): 15%, 10%, 12%, for a total of around 37%
  • PinUpDisplay takes close to 60%, so what else is it doing that is CPU intensive beyond playing those 3 videos? (and is this normal, or a symptom of something wrong?)


If I play the same three videos in a recent VLC version, I get CPU times of around 1% each, for a total of only 3% CPU. This is an enormous difference. I understand there are issues with popper and those recent versions, but is it possible to get a version of PinUpDisplay with the newer vlc embedded? (or can I build that myself somehow? even just for experimentation purposes?) It just feels like so much untapped potential.


Edited by tsaylor
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