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Input problems

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Still having huge issues with inputs. Neither Popper nor VPX recognizes the correct button inputs, despite being the correct value in joy.cpl and the VirtuaPin control software.

I've formatted and reinstalled Windows five times. I've read the tutorial pages and followed along step by step with both Terry Red and Way of the Wrench. I even purchased a new controller to rule that out.

I've tried both JoytoKey and Xpadder and get the same problems where it assigns a different value to the input. So the END key doesn't work, keys 6 and 7 don't function as coin door inputs but instead insert coins.

Popper config continues to subtract 1 from the button that's hard-wired into the controller. So again, all buttons are registering as one less than their actual number. So button 9 becomes 8, button 1 becomes button 99.

Has anyone solved this problem or even encountered it? I'm at the point where I want to rid myself of this beautiful machine because it doesn't work - it's never worked well ever.

All of the computer components have been replaced and upgraded to try and rule out hardware issues.

This simply isn't fun or enjoyable and am quickly despising having purchased a cabinet.

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I know how you feel.  Virtual pinball is a super patchwork hodgepodge of software applications all stitched together, modified and appended together. 

Install this. Install that.  Update this.  Install this patch.

Configure this here.  Configure that there.  Configure the other thing here AND here. 

When done correctly it amazingly works, but it can be a tedious process.  Bald headed hobbyist have been known to have started the hobby with a full head of hair.

I was given a non functioning vpin that I rebuilt from scratch.  Weeks of headaches and reinstalls before I got it right.

Sometimes I install a new game and it just works.  Other times it takes some tweaking and sometimes it takes days to get a game to work right.

There have been a few where I've just given up, but today my machine has about three hundred games on it.  VPX, Future Pinball and FX3. 

I’m far far far from being an expert, but I keep my machine running. No one has answered your question in a week and a half so I’ll give it a shot – probably a long shot.


I didn't mess with any files or controller software.

This is how I configured my buttons for VPX games


Start Visual Pinball

Don’t load a game

Select “Preferences”

Then “Configure Keys, Nudge and DOF”

You now see the Button Assignments

Click “Left Flipper” with your mouse

It will high-lite and show question marks

Press the button on the left side of your cabinet that you want to be your Left Flipper

The button you high-lited will now show whatever hard button you just pressed instead of the question marks

Do the same for each button you want to configure

Start Game, Add Credit, Right Nudge etc


Do not check the “Override Default Button layout” box

Close Visual Pinball

Or load up a game and see if it works. (Not using Popper.)


That’s how I configure my VPX buttons. I just did the buttons and none of the myriad of other options you’ll see.


As for Pinup Popper, I did minimal configuration to control the menu

This is independent of what you just did in VPX (Configure this here. Configure that there.)

Start “Pinup Popper Games Manager”

Popper Setup

Controller Setup

Double click “Exit Emulators”

Press the button on your cabinet you want to use to completely exit the system

Do the same for each function you want/need to configure

Game Next, Game Prior, Game Start, System Menu, Menu Select, Page Next, Page Prior and Home

It's okay to reuse the same buttons you configured in VPX.  There will be no conflict


Close the Games Manager, start your front end and see how things work


Sorry if I misunderstood the question and this is no help. Long shot.

Edited by kcirrick
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