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Tips for newbs part 3 (Remembering the steps on first setup?)


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So you might have seen a few posts by me here with the impression of me thinking i know alot but belive me when i say the is from the black hole ive fell into and a personal thing and im just helping others incase the issue arrises and they get stuck?


please go and see more experienced guides as there already alot here and elsewhere


my experince is new and everything im saying shouldnt be taken from the trust of somebody who has been in this hobby for a short time compared to more experienced 


me compared to TERRYRED is like comparing a coconut to a coconut tree


you can enjoy 1 coconut or be fed with more


but this just my situations I've faced and how I've fixed them for myself


So you set everything up and now it won't run?


Maybe you swapped files and messed x64 versions up and its a stirfry burned disaster


tip for a newb.. and it's a big one!


backup your journey daily.. go and buy a drive and mirror your setup


If something gets copied. Make a copy simple..


some people setup visual pinball and then lose track after some time. Were did that file go?.. ah I forgot how to do this.. dusting off old papers and getting involved in the new x64 bit realse..


Now there are pro guides to installing the new x64.. i wont tell you how things should be done this is just for people that need help restarting an old backup or have done everything and need the ball rolling...


why am i getting this error? I set this up? The folders are great?


but actually its a step by step process to follow


here assuming you have a perfect copy of visual pinball backed up.. with vpinmame, flexdmd, flexui, the tables folder has the screen res file in it and its a perfect copy.. you could kiss the usb


and all the bits are in the correct places for visual pinball.. it's quiet easy in 5 minutes to get going again.


the copy over might be 3hrs.. i dont know how big your setup is in the tables folder... some people backup otherways... but lets assume your using windows copy and paste to C drive!


The first thing for a non responsive visual pinball in my book is delete and reinstate your backup


if you got it working perfect and now everything you do is not making a difference. Then im afraid its a start from scratch ( given that what your about to copy over has all your things backed up, tables, roms everything. In a zip file and you can just extract to c drive or whatever and your good to go... but its all the messing around with files again. What do i do again?


I cant remember


its a process... and its a quick and easy one..


1st. Delete the visual pinball folder completely! were its installed. C drive whatever


(Now make sure all your tables, and everything is backed up! And you have a solid copy even 2 copies of the visual pinball your about to nuke!) i cant stress it enough and this is just for people who have it all ready to go!


So delete it from were have it.. popper doesn't need deleting.. because its just media.. if tables aren't running this is visual pinball issue


After delete


Run ccleaner and hit the registry part


Scan It.. and delete the registry's. It will fix and clean up all the b2s registry's missing and all that stuff


Clean all.


Restart the pc..




Extract your personal (COPY) with all your visual pinball


(that's already prepared and done because this is your BACKUP VERSION!!!) MAKE SURE YOU HAVE THIS!!!)


And extract it


Once done


Now head over to vpinmamex64 and install.. click options and set cab mode, external dll, and 4 colours. And untick virtual. (The one that usually pops up over tables on first boot) Done.. 


Vpinmame is installed


now go and


Register your flexui otherwise you will get active x error!


Make sure you have your dlls correct versions and it's all peachy.. this is flex and all the dmd bit


Go to the backglass register and run as admin! Make sure it's the correct one not the one that says you can't run like this


if it says says re register say yes let it do its thing




Setup your screenres file. If you had it installed before you know its a copy and paste thing... You know your bits copy and paste them in and sort that out




Setup your dmd.ini. usually dmd over ontop (set to true) so your dmd isnt hiding and then put in your dmd Size and location and save And sort your dmd device ini out






You get the idea


so thats done


Now go to visual pinball x.exe and run but don't open a table. Setup the graphics and controls. And now try a table..


should run and be all working again


given that all your files are correct up to this point everthing should now run again


You should now be able to re run your visual pinball setup again given that you just copies over your backup after things go confusing with any updates and errors that may accoured..


So A few things I've learned on the journey so far


Vpinmame must be installed on first time (no question).. and if any problems usually a quick uninstall and reinstall can fix an issue for things


Pinuppopper is all media related so any issues really fall down to visual pinball given that scripts and things in pinpopper are not wrong. So before you do pinuppopper make sure visual pinball runs buttery smooth


You can't blame the frontend if the backend is not correct


Accgamename error. Is probably a backglass registry error, or flexui unregistered


Any other little errors are either, your visual pinball x version, (newer tables require new version)


But there can be some exceptions


Alot of these can fix errors also if you didnt install these


.net 4.8

and micrisoft redistributes theres usually an all in one online and you can install them running a bat file, direct x and your graphics drivers all need to be good and installed. These should really be done. Before anything


Make sure you grab pinuppoppers may2023 update.. it will help alot.. if your pinupopper install is clean.


But as I say it's a process to follow any errors just means one link is broken and you should make sure your process was clean...




Part 2 here 


All my dmd Sizes and things are examples you know your monitor sizes and numbers..


A cool tip to first start tables that start with factory


you have 40 or 50 of those you can run pinuppopper screen record on a few seconds and it will start a record process.


Given the record folder is empty and wont overwrite files!


it will give tables there first boot before screen recording!


Im sure people have started screen record and got to table 20 to have a factory reset table start flat with no lights!






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