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Marco anniversary note


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Paul from Marco sent out an email to customers today that is very thoughtful and well written.  I wanted to share a link to their website so other's could read but I can't find this note on their site.  So I figured it would be ok to copy/paste:



Thank You for 38 years.

Dear Pinball Friends,

Marco Specialties, Inc. turns 38 today. This is our first anniversary since we lost Marc, our founder. Companies that make the leap from its founder to the next generation face an existential challenge, especially when that time arrives ahead of schedule. Yet, Marc’s legacy not only survives, but thrives on the foundation built by you, our community, our employees, and everyone that invests their time in the pursuit of pinball.


Since its humble beginnings, pinball persevered through wars, politicians, video games, the internet, Wall Street, lawyers, social media, and Covid… just to name a few hurdles. Every time, when the days are dark, pinball shines the bright, bounces back, and brings us together.


Today, in a digital world that continues to evolve at an increasingly uncomfortable pace, we now know that pinball is far more than pretty birch boxes designed to convert quarters into dopamine. The magic worlds under glass, as Marc liked to say, connects our community together and provides a respite from a chaotic world. Each machine captures a moment in cultural time. Every game scratches a nostalgic itch, yet delivers a new unique experience every time.


On this anniversary, we at Marco are taking a moment to reflect how far we’ve come from our humble beginnings in the back room of a dry cleaner. When Marc and Nancy started Marco in 1985, the pinball industry was controlled by large corporations, individuals didn’t have access to parts, and pinball machines were disposable once their earnings fell below their resale value. Today, parts are plentiful, there are more games in homes than ever before, and games are no longer being thrown away.


Thank you. We are consistently humbled when we hear from the entrepreneurs in our community that Marc inspired, encouraged, and coached. Thank you all for making the leap and supporting Marc’s dream, and for sharing pinball with the next generation. I have no idea how we would have navigated this past year without your incredible support.


As we turn this chapter in our Marco story, we are excited for what’s to come. Marc has left us with a passionate and talented Marco team, an energizing community, and an impressive collection of parts. I am particularly proud of everyone at Marco that has stepped up to fill the enormous shoes left by Marc, and humbled by your support.


We look forward to connecting with you this year.


On behalf of Nancy, the Marco family, and everyone that was a part of Marc’s journey, thank you.


—Paul Mandeltort

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