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DOF and Teensy 4.0 problem


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I am struggling with DOF and my Teensybox for the addressable LEDs. For some reason DOF cannot connect to the COM port so I was hoping for some professionel help in here 🙂


Some info:

latest DOF is installed and all the other toys are working.

The right COM port is selected in device manager (the only one, COM5).

DOF setup with all the combos and ports are done.

Cabinet file and GlobalConfig_B2SServer.xml is done


I get the following error in the DirectOutput log:


2022.10.28 15:38:37.712    Table config loading finished: romname=acd_168h, tablename=AC-DC (2012)
2022.10.28 15:38:37.713    Pinball parts loaded
2022.10.28 15:38:37.713    Starting processes
2022.10.28 15:38:37.714    Initializing cabinet
2022.10.28 15:38:37.714    Debug: Initializing output controllers
2022.10.28 15:38:37.715    TeensyStripController TeensyStripController intialized and updater thread started.
2022.10.28 15:38:37.716    PacDrive initialized and updater thread started.
2022.10.28 15:38:37.716    TeensyStripController TeensyStripController updater thread  started.
2022.10.28 15:38:37.717    PacLed64 Id:1 initialized and updater thread started.
2022.10.28 15:38:37.717    Debug: Output controllers initialized
2022.10.28 15:38:37.717    Initializing ComPort COM5 with these settings :
2022.10.28 15:38:37.717        BaudRate 9600, Parity None, DataBits 8, StopBits One, R/W Timeouts 200ms
2022.10.28 15:38:37.717        Handshake Timings : Open 50ms, Loop Start/End 20/50ms, DTR enable False
2022.10.28 15:38:37.720    EXCEPTION: TeensyStripController TeensyStripController updater thread  could not connect to the controller. Thread will quit.
2022.10.28 15:38:37.720    EXCEPTION: Thread: TeensyStripController TeensyStripController updater thread
2022.10.28 15:38:37.720    EXCEPTION: Message: Exception --> A exception occured while trying to open the Com-port 'COM5'. Found the following Com-Ports: COM5.  Will not send data to the controller.
2022.10.28 15:38:37.720    EXCEPTION: Stacktrace:    ved DirectOutput.Cab.Out.AdressableLedStrip.TeensyStripController.ConnectToController()
2022.10.28 15:38:37.720    EXCEPTION: Stacktrace:    ved DirectOutput.Cab.Out.OutputControllerCompleteBase.UpdaterThreadDoIt()
2022.10.28 15:38:37.720    EXCEPTION: Targetsite: Void ConnectToController()
2022.10.28 15:38:37.720    EXCEPTION: InnerException 1: UnauthorizedAccessException --> Adgang til porten "COM5" blev nægtet.
2022.10.28 15:38:37.720    Cabinet initialized
2022.10.28 15:38:37.723    Loading shape definition file: C:\DirectOutput\Config\DirectOutputShapes.xml


Any ideas where to troubleshoot?


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