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Interesting Notion About Gamers


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I am not a diehard gamer but i have noticed a lot of people banging real hard on the flipperbuttons to get a harder hit (both on real and virtual pinballs).

I actually think this just makes the hit un-timed. Your hand spend more time in the air than on the button.

What is it that makes people think the ball will go faster or harder when doing this? It does not in fact.


A better technique would be to hold the buttons pressed just before the switches engages, that's the beauty of leafswitches.


Just some thoughts from me.

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Sorry freneticamnesic and dstott I don't think you understand the techno forces of nature, lights do change faster when you mash the button and lifts do turn up quicker the more times you tap  :D   Then of course there are virtual pinball machines, built to wobble on real pinball legs and containing nudge switches for sensing those bangs and shoves - the only thing I can agree with in the this thread is that taking a "run up" to bash the flipper button just makes for worse game play, but then I can't get much worse!  :o



..... surely using the horn makes traffic move faster, right?

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