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LCARS-Frame for DMDext - Star Trek

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LCARS-Frame for Star Trek Tables to use with  DMDext.
Put it in your Visual Pinball\VPinMAME\DMDext\textures\frames Folder and configure it.

Edited by Retsamikit

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   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

Here are the style settings I use: You may have to edit the path..
Copy the lines into your dmddevice.ini under your style settings block


style.lcars.brightness = 0.95
style.lcars.dotsize = 0.85
style.lcars.dotrounding = 0.85
style.lcars.dotsharpness = 0.8
style.lcars.unlitdot = #00000000
style.lcars.dotglow = 0.3
style.lcars.backglow = 0.4
style.lcars.gamma = 1
style.lcars.tint = #00ff5820
style.lcars.glass = 
style.lcars.glass.color = #ff000000
style.lcars.glass.lighting = 0
style.lcars.glass.padding.left = 0
style.lcars.glass.padding.top = 0
style.lcars.glass.padding.right = 0
style.lcars.glass.padding.bottom = 0
style.lcars.frame = D:\Visual Pinball\VPinMAME\DMDext\textures\frames\lcars.png
style.lcars.frame.padding.left = 8.12
style.lcars.frame.padding.top = 10.5
style.lcars.frame.padding.right = 9.92
style.lcars.frame.padding.bottom = 14.43


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