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VR ROOM Corvette (Midway 1994)

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5 From 1 review
73.52 MB File Size

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About This File

Added the VR conversions to this table that was done by Goldchicco (Thanks for the permission to mod!).  


I did quite a few VR mods to get it to look good (all documented in the script).  Sixtoe provided a once over, updated the ramps, and other stuff.  I updated the race car ramps and got the cars to move on the new path.



V 1.0:  VR Tweaks, custom environment, and a few other minor adjustments to fit in VR Cab.

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   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

Thank you for this GREAT VR table UnclePaulie and Goldchicco for permission to the mod and SixToe for the exra VR mod's.


5/5 stars on the gameplay, it plays really good.

4/5 stars on the graphics, the lighting looks outdated and the ball is visible under the ramp(ramp is to low at the start/lowest part) and the engine could use a 3d model. But especially the lighting could really use an update; with only better/normal lighting without alpha textures it's already 5/5 in terms of graphics too.


But in terms of gameplay, it's really good, it has a great flow and lots of action. I cannot believe that it has zero reviews/comments for that reason, kind of sad to see it. This while other less interesting tables got sometimes way more reviews.

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